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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Leland Lake Report
Jefferson County, WA


66° - 70°
Rainbow Trout
Mostly Sunny
Mack's Wedding Ring
66° - 70°

For the past couple of years, I have taken one or two of the next door neighbor boys, now 13 & 15, out fishing with me in the spring, shortly after the opener. This year when discussing it with them, they asked me if I'd ever taken another boy down the street, as I'd promised, the previous year. I didn't recall such a promise, but as it was likely the case, I apologised to the boy and very tactfully, cleared it with his dad. Though he'd been fishing before, he'd never caught a fish and had been given a new pole, which had never gotten wet. Together we all put line on the pole and made plans for Saturday.

Leland, a year round open lake has to be my favorite. I'd recently cut and painted a 3-piece plywood floor for my new Intex Mariner 4, and so was also trying out positioning of my raised swivel fishing seat. Alex was happy with the cushion seat that came with the boat, and eagerly helped set everything it up at the lake. The temperature was perfect, with patchy high overhead cloud and little wind. Many boats were on the lake and the shore was well staked out by other fishers. Though almost everyone was bottom fishing with Power Bait, I wanted Alex to experience trolling, and the uniform advice we heard was 'wedding rings'! I tried a black/chartreuse combo, and set Alex up with a red/yellow, both tipped with Gulp Maggots. In no time I was getting bites, so sunk the hook and handed my rod over to Alex. The look on his face was priceless as he reeled it in, seeing it jump out of the water a couple of times as I'd warned might happen. Way too soon it was netted and after I removed the hook, I handed him the net with the fish in it. While I took out a camera for a couple of shots, he got to feel it's strength and admire it, then discover how slippery it was, trying to set up a pose.

Shortly after setting out the lines again, I was getting nibbles, so handed over my pole, and reminded him about setting the hook. Tug, tug back, and fish on! We got that one in the boat too, but once on ice, Alex noted his pole still hadn't gotten a bite. I loaded his up with my black/chartreuse and put a black wooly bugger on mine. From nibble to hook set to landing, Alex did it all for his next. My new set up was working just fine for me as well. We ended up losing the black/chartreuse wedding ring, but made up something new with a smile blade and a few beads that Alex chose, and in no time he caught his next two on his 'Bumble Bee'.

The wind was starting to pick up as we headed back to shore, and a few drops even fell, but he was anxious to learn how to clean his catch, which he managed nicely. Somehow, even with someone else's 10 year old boy, we were able to talk the whole time with no awkward pauses, about what, I can't really recall, but I do remember at the shore, just before him leaving, he said, "My dad will be so proud of me!"

That was a perfect day of fishing! If you have the room, especially while the plants are fresh, plentiful and biting, take a kid along! All the extras from a day like that are well worth any 'inconveniences'.

P.S. Alex kept his unbeatable 'Bumble Bee', for the next time he goes fishing.


5/13/2013 11:01:00 AM
That is a great story! I am willing to wager, the boy's non participating dad would appreciate a invite too!
5/13/2013 11:10:00 AM
Moto: I did have to ask carefully, as I'm sure you're right and he would have preferred to come as well. I did extend an invitation for the future, but mine is not a boat that would readily take 2 adults and a kid fishing, at least at this point. I'm hoping that maybe, once I have both seats installed, it could be done, finally getting getting everyone's legs off the floor. Then the middle might fit a cushion seat and it could be do-able. I'll admit to having gotten spoiled catching the hold-overs in the spring, and catching the quite respectable 11-12 plants now, is not quite as enjoyable. But if this is your 1st fishing of the year, go for it! They ARE biting!
5/13/2013 2:52:00 PM
Great story! The look on their face when they hook that first one, is always priceless. So were the fish pretty small? This year, My grandpa and I have yet to take home both limits, cause they have been pretty small fish. I've caught some nice ones, but most have been 6-10 inches.
5/13/2013 3:13:00 PM
Blake: Thanks to recent decisions by WDFW to stock a larger sized rainbow in WA waters, these fish were all pretty much in the 11"-12" range. While this is better than previous years, I spent a lot of time over the winter at Leland and was able to get mostly fish in the 13"-15" range, so "pretty small" is relative. Many people on the shore also seemed to be catching fish of the 11"-12" size regularly, if not quite as quickly. If you're in the area, it might be worth trying.
5/13/2013 3:54:00 PM
Really? That's bigger than what I've been averaging. I've fished Leland 4 times since it was stocked, and average 8-10 inch fish. I have caught 5 over 14 inches between those trips though. The small fish wouldn't be an issue, but since I use bait, any of those small fish count towards my limit. Seems like last year when it was stocked in may the fish were bigger. While I didn't catch any over 14 inches, all the fish i did catch were 12-13 inches.
5/13/2013 7:48:00 PM
Anyone been catching any perch in Leland? I'd like to head up there for a mixed bag of trout and perch.
5/13/2013 10:07:00 PM
I know a guy who has caught a few out there, but nothing over 10 inches. The perch start showing up in june-july, with the later months being better. But trout fishing will be best this month and next.
5/13/2013 10:11:00 PM
SoDakBoy: On Sat we spoke to a boat of 3 coming with a nice stringer of perch, crappie and trout. They were decent sized perch too. In the past others have said Leland is pretty good for perch and crappie. That said, I have only caught one of each. What can I say .. they're there, I just can't catch 'em.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709