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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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American Lake Report
Pierce County, WA


Rainbow Trout

Fishing? Word is I took a vet fishing on American Lake. Never fished there before. Word from down there. Was the boat house was cutting loose some pen raised trout. 13" or so in size, and fat!

We gathered some intel from other fishermen at the boat ramp. One older, nice guy requested some trout ID from me. He thought he had a few Kokanee. I am no expert, but tried to help him out. Turns out, what the old codger thought were Kokanee, were Cutthroat Trout.

I was down set on fishing one rod off the downrigger for Kokanee, but found out from a guide that fishes everyday. That fishery was dead right now. So, focused on the trout. I purchase the two pole endorsement. Because of that we had 3 poles out.

Started fishing at 12:00. Surface temp was 47, rarely 48. Found two spots close to shore that were 42............Brrrrrr!

I caught 1, and lost one On the Dick Nite. Before changing his set up out to a more traditional worm/wedding ring. 10 fish caught, 1 lost by 1:50pm. Vet (guest for the day) rod 2 fish. 2nd rod, dodger/worm 4 caught. 3rd rod was a leaded line rig, at 3 to 6 colors out with a Dick Nite. Caught 5 (one lost). 10 fish total. Size 12-13.5".

One fish was a line peeler. Pulled lots of drag. 30 ft of drag the first run. 15 on a second run. Thought that was one of the monsters in the lake. NOPE! Was a tail hooked 13" trout.......LOL!

Guess they fight much harder when hooked there...LOL!

Was a good time. Despite a late start, the fish were cooperating.


4/26/2013 6:35:00 AM
What guide told you that it was dead? I know some who are picking up a kokanee an outing. At 18-19 inches. Maybe he didn't want you to try? Although you may have had trouble getting to them through the trout. Thanks for taking a vet out and taking out those trout. It will make it easier to get kokanee.
4/26/2013 7:49:00 AM
Interesting about the water temps... I was all over the lake yesterday and didn't find a spot that was under 50 degrees. In fact, over by the seaplane launch I registered 60 on the surface at about 1:30pm. Anyway, I have picked up at least one kokanee each time out so they are starting to get active, remember they like that thermacline at 55 degrees so we are right at that now. Great job taking out the vet and I probably saw you out there.
4/26/2013 7:51:00 AM
The kokes are starting to bite. I have gotten at least one the last two times out. One was a real football. Suprised me this early.
4/26/2013 9:44:00 AM
Hey...us old codgers like to fish too! Life is good we get to fish more; if we can remember where to go?
Thanks for taking a vet fishing.
PS I do know the difference between the various fish species, practice, practice, practice! AH
4/26/2013 10:42:00 PM
Toni, the guide was comparing one fish a day. To many quick limits, like last year. He added the water temp was a little cold yet.
4/27/2013 9:58:00 AM
I would consider Koke fishing dead right now. 1 fish or 2 fish a time even if big is by no means what American should be doing right now. I was already getting limits this time last year even though last year was slow too. To say kokanee fishing is good it needs to be like 2011 where everyday you could get a limit in under 30 minutes.
I am hearing a lot of different water temps from people hard to say what is really going on. I think the warm days and cool nights is causing a lot of change throughout the day.
Good luck to all, lets hope American heats up soon!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709