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Hayden Lake Report
Kootenai County, ID



All Day

Had a great time on the lake with my Grandpa. We put on a show for all the other Crappie anglers out there. Boating 100+ fish, 90% of which were Crappie with the largest measured out to 13". The water temp went from 39 degrees to 46 degrees in the past two weeks and really put them into a frenzy. We spent the last 2 hours trolling for Kokanee and Rainbows. We lost two rainbows 5-8 lb range near the boat and landed this fine specimen at 15.5". Couldn't have asked for a better day of fishing. I run a black/silver hewescraft sea runner, if you see me out there come say hello.


4/1/2013 9:12:00 AM
Nice Rays...Thanks for the report!
4/1/2013 9:43:00 AM
Dang nice Crappie. Looks like fun.
4/1/2013 12:37:00 PM
Nice Crappie! Say, do you catch many Kokanee in Hayden? Cause that second picture looks like a K.........e! What gear were you using for the crappie, and trout?
4/1/2013 6:09:00 PM
That was a Kokanee indeed, I haven't had much time to fish for them in Hayden since they planted them last year or the year before, I can't remember which but they are growing fast and look very healthy as of now.. I use home made fly's with sunflashers mainly for trout and Kokanee. For the Crappie I use Ratso bodies with home made painted lead heads tipped with a maggot. The trout and kokanee were caught in the upper 30ft column.
Mike Carey
4/2/2013 6:37:00 AM
That's a great fish for only having been planted 1-2 years ago. Looks like a promising fishery.
4/2/2013 10:29:00 AM
I am not familiar with a sunflasher. Is the sunflasher anything like a sun ray flasher? From a online picture, looks to be a dodger with the sun ray name stamped on it.

Or are sunflashers similar to "pop gear", also called a "gang troll"? A lighter version would be called "flash lights". Both have a series of spinning blades. Pop gear and gang troll are equipped with metal blades, flash lights have a (milar?) blade like a Mack's smile blade.
4/2/2013 8:40:00 PM
Someone corrected me on my last post about Fernan Lake so I figured I better get this one right =) 06/15/2011 EARLY SPAWNER KOKANEE FINGERLING (3-6 inches) 99,965. That's from Idaho F&G website, and the only entry in the past 20 years. I would agree that they are doing very well at the moment.

My apologies MotoBoat, I've always referred to them as Sunflashers and Gangtroll but they are listed as Cowbell flashers. I've had the best luck with gold blades and troll very slow, ,8 - 1,4 mph. Varying the speed always helps to trigger bites in my opinion, Behind those I run a wedding ring with fly. Last year I didn't do so well but I've landed at least 20 trout over 10lb with that setup so I know it works for that lake.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709