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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Alice Lake Report
King County, WA



31° - 35°
Rainbow Trout
Mack's Wedding Ring

Mark Yuasa from the Seattle Times reported that Alice would be stocked a few days before me and a buddy went out. Thought it would be quick limits, but it was cold, snowed on us even. To make life more interesting we decided to go out in our float tubes. I tried some fly fishing, no luck. Caught 5 trout on a red wedding ring tipped with crawler, my buddy got one on a fly. Kept one carryover fish and 2 stockers. On the water about three hours and it took my toes about that long to feel normal again. Fun day none the less. It's a fairly shallow lake so I just ran a straight wedding ring, no weight and no sling blade or other attractors. Had 20 nibbles, but I think they needed a few days to acclimate and warm up. I opened the belly on the big boy and it was full of debris from the bottom of the lake, thought afterward that powerbait off the bottom might have been the ticket, but BORING. Not my style of fishing.


The Quadfather
3/21/2013 12:51:00 PM
So how big was "The big boy" did emptying it's belly remind you of the scene in the 1st Jaws movie, where they are pulling car license plates and kitchen sinks out of a sharks belly? (-:
3/21/2013 7:37:00 PM
Ooh thats a Nice hefty trout
3/21/2013 8:06:00 PM
I agree power bait fishing is boring, Fly fishing is the best way for me to fish the local lakes. Nothing like the feeling of a trout biting your fly. Nice looking holdover, looks like 15 to 16 inches.
3/22/2013 3:57:00 PM
So how big was it? Well, that's a 13x9 cake pan it was sitting in, so using the pythagorean theorum (a squared + b squared=c squared) I calculated the pan to be 15.8 inches diagonal, then adding the additional 1.5 inches of trout hanging over the side I estimate the trout to be 17.3 inches in length. HAHA. Yeah, there was everything minus the kitchen sink in there. Went to beaver lake today, I'll post the report soon.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709