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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Gissberg Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA



41° - 45°
Top Fishing From Boat
Rainbow Trout

took my 5 year old fishing put power bait on his pole and and i was throwing a black with yellow dots panther martin caught all the fish on the pather martin let my son reel them in man he was stoked i think i found a new fishing buddy as u can see by the smile - this is what fishing is all about!


3/11/2013 6:15:00 PM
Way to go DAD!!!!
Jungle Jim
3/12/2013 9:54:00 AM
Maybe you already know this, but when they first put stocker trout in a lake, the schools all swim close to the surface for a a week or so before they head to the bottom. I'll bet if you had your son set up with a bobber and worm, he'd have done well. Next week or so, he'll probably do better with the power bait on the bottom. Just an FYI for your nest trip.
Jungle Jim
3/12/2013 9:56:00 AM
Of course I meant "NEXT TRIP", not "nest trip".
3/13/2013 2:18:00 AM
Best time is always enjoying a day out fishing with the kids. You just can't pass up smiles they bring you. Specially when you are on the fish........ Tight Lines ,,,,,, d=^ )
3/13/2013 7:22:00 AM
awesome... good on you for gettin the kid out. nother lil trick ive learned bout that lake, cloudy days i do well trowing brighter lures then on the partly sunny days paler colors then open sky bottom. also always done better with a stop n go retrieve then a steady one but thats just me. tight lines im headin out after i get breakfast in me.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709