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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Riffe Lake Report
Lewis County, WA



46° - 50°

Riffe Lake 3-4-2013

Last week Trent asked me if I wanted to go fishing in his boat on Monday. So I asked where and which boat? He said American and Clifford. So I said Awesome! I am stoked!. But when I talked with him on Sunday we ended up talking about going to Riffe. I called TPU whose recording said the ramp at Mossy Rock was useable. Therefore we went even though eenakok texted me and said he heard from someone who said the ramp was closed because they dropped the water level on Saturday. But a few minutes later he said that if you have a 4x4 you could do it.
So we went and we conquered the wind and 20 fish. Trent had the first bite and loss it. Then I got one in... after a while Jerry changed his gear to Dick Nite Dodger and Wannafish A Lure then he got some. He was on top then he put a little weight on to get it down a ways. He was using a trout rod.
I used 2 rods, 1 in the downrigger and 1 flat lined behind the boat. I caught fish flat lining to 20 feet deep. I was using Dick Nite Pink Splatter and Chartreuse HotHead. Jerry had the Watermelon with a Wannafish A Lure Pink Splatter Squiddy Thing with a hammered nickel blade. We used corn and a few shrimp for bait.

The water felt cold. The wind was strong and there were waves large enough to feel like I was going to topple over. The sun was shinning. We fished from about 10:30-12:30.

It was a great day!

We are in a battle! Angler against fish! We need an arsenal of weapons and at my site you will find some of those different weapons. For all those who wannafish a lure come in and take a look at WannafishALure.com.
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Mike Carey
3/4/2013 8:06:00 PM
good job!
3/4/2013 8:16:00 PM
The launch area will soon require a bulldozer to assist. The ramp area is sure a mess. Thnx. For the pics.
Lou Smith
3/4/2013 8:46:00 PM
Way-to-go Toni and crew! Nice silver catching. Your launching challenge was worth it. Haven't pulled any koke out of American, yet. Sunday water temp was 42.7 degrees.
3/4/2013 9:00:00 PM
Way to go Toni nice looking fish thanks for the report you truly winning the war.
3/4/2013 9:04:00 PM
Great day and thank you all.
3/4/2013 9:19:00 PM
Good report and nice looking fish! Got to get out on the water.
3/5/2013 6:23:00 AM
Very Nice Toni!!!
3/5/2013 11:03:00 AM
It was a great day on the water! Thanks for checking on the ramp status Wannafish!

3/26/2013 12:54:00 AM
Im heading to rifee the 4-6 next month any updates on the launch would be apreciated. taking the family to the cabins at ie kinswa but plan on fishing riffe. Ive only got a 2wd pickup but fishing in a 16' lund should I have any issues launching???
3/26/2013 12:54:00 AM
Im heading to rifee the 4-6 next month any updates on the launch would be apreciated. taking the family to the cabins at ie kinswa but plan on fishing riffe. Ive only got a 2wd pickup but fishing in a 16' lund should I have any issues launching???
3/26/2013 8:47:00 AM
Mlgetbent Call (888) 502-8690 for information on the Mossy Rock Launch. Sometimes when they say usable it may mean with 4x4 becuse of the ramp being slippery. Also yesterday eenakok launched w/o a problem as the water was at the end of the ramp. But they let water out while they were on the water, water level at the ramp went down so they had trouble getting the boat on.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709