1/22/2013 4:45:00 PMjd39
1/22/2013 4:46:00 PMps: not seeing the picture with the report. Seems like that function doesn't work with iPads, not sure though (or if that's what you're using), it wouldn't work when I posted on Sammamish. I may start a thread on that to see if it's known problem.
1/22/2013 5:08:00 PMRoaks I am fishing the opposite side of the lake as you. East of the island.
1/22/2013 5:20:00 PMAaron
1/22/2013 5:29:00 PMsnake7676
1/22/2013 7:48:00 PMkokanee_slayer
1/22/2013 8:06:00 PMToni
1/22/2013 8:09:00 PMMike@Bills
1/23/2013 10:14:00 AMwhitten1823
1/23/2013 11:06:00 AMMike@Bills
1/23/2013 11:14:00 AMunfortunitly there is no Crappie on American Lake. We have Perch, Blue Gill, Small Mouth, Rainbow, Kokanee, Red Eye Rock Bass.
People say there is Cuts but all fish are planted except for the bass, perch, blue gill, and rock bass and I have never seen a plant report for cuts. I talk to the trout hatcherys quit a bit and they told me that no trout can spawn in the lake because there is not enough running water. They are working on a Kokanee run in Murry creek and I am hopefully going to be getting involved with that real soon.
1/23/2013 1:39:00 PMsnake7676
1/23/2013 2:52:00 PMB P
1/23/2013 4:00:00 PMsnake7676
1/23/2013 5:41:00 PMMike@Bills
1/24/2013 8:07:00 AMgfakkema
1/24/2013 8:41:00 AMMike@Bills
1/24/2013 8:52:00 AM1SG
1/24/2013 10:59:00 AMMike@Bills
1/24/2013 11:13:00 AMsnake7676
1/24/2013 3:14:00 PM,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41524429,d.cGE&fp=c4a6a840dc754efa&biw=1921&bih=1364
1/25/2013 8:19:00 AMI think all the kokanee fisherman and fisherwomen should have a contest to see who will get the first Koke of the year. no money just a friendly little competition.
1/25/2013 5:18:00 PMMike@Bills
1/25/2013 5:39:00 PMgsiegel
1/25/2013 8:58:00 PMMike@Bills
1/25/2013 9:10:00 PMgsiegel
1/25/2013 10:50:00 PMYes, that creek. If kokes can spawn in it, why not cutthroat?
1/26/2013 9:53:00 AMgsiegel
1/26/2013 1:05:00 PMSo I sent it again, this time should work.
Something else I thought of... Back in the ate 60s/70s the army had a "kids' pond" set up at the very south end of American Lake (planted trout for kids only). At that time they had a sort of "gate" set-up between the pond and Little American across a channel that was maybe 12 feet wide. Anyway, at the far south end of the pond there was an outflow drain that actually carried enough water to call it a creek. Right at the pond it went under the road and then drained toward Sequalitchew Creek on the North Fort. The way it was set up the drain/culvert did not look passable to fish. But,Sequalitchew creek then drains down to Puget Sound on Ft. Lewis. Sequalitchew had cutthroat in it. And I heard rumors back in the day that it at one time held steelhead.
Putting these pieces together, it is conceivable that since American was likely connected to the creek that held anadromous fish, cutthroat and even steelhead could have made there way into the lake. Kapowsin and Ohop Lakes have salmon, possibly steelhead via outflow creeks. Chambers lake on Muck Creek (Ft. Lewis) had steelhead, and even had a fish ladder for passage.