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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Baker Lake Report
Whatcom County, WA



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We came Friday about 7PM, and went fishing right away. No luck :). We were still OK hoping to catch more on Saturday because last Saturday I was able to catch six for two people in the boat and probably could catch more.
3:45 we were on the water and started to fish about 5AM. It was cold even though I had two sweaters on. My kids were hiding in the covered nose of the boat and my buddy and I were trying to find the fish using same techniques from the previous weekend. I narrowed my range from 15 to 60 feet and was unable to spot any fish. Nobody was catching either. It was strange and thought there is no more fish. It looked like the lake was fished out. We had our first fish on about 5:45AM but lost it. The leader broke because my buddy put a 17lb leader even though I was insisting to use my 20lb line. The sun came out about 10AM and we started melting down and falling asleep. We hooked our second and last fish by Noisy Creek but it spit out the hook. It was already 11AM , my kids were awake and my buddy was asleep. No more fish was biting even though I tried to change spots, speed, depth, length of leaders and etc.
I saw only a few boats that were catching some fish. Only one small boat with three anglers was standing out by catching at least eight fish. I was applauding to the old fisherman, leader of the crew, and asked him at what depth he was fishing. He said all fish was caught at 38feet deep. He was using pink mini squids and 14-15" leaders. I tried to copy his speed and did same setups with no luck.
Conclusion? Don't know. First fish was hooked on a pink mini squid and single hook at 20feet. The second fish was on a pink smile blade with four beads and single hook at 23feet.I was unable to track my speed precisely because my speedometer was dropping to zero as soon as speed was below 1.5mph. I think the speed was 1mph.
We saw the fish truck when we came at Swift Creek boat ramp. The driver said they brought 1000 fish on that day and next truck will bring more.He also said they were bringing fish all week long. So, the fish is in the lake. Why it is not biting?


7/30/2012 9:37:00 AM
Not biting is an understatement! I fished Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning without a bite. I fished the Noisy/Silver creek area and in that area on Friday and Saturday I marked many fish. In that area there was not so many fish marked on Sunday. On Friday on my way back to camp(about a mile past Shannon Point CG) from the Noisy creek area I marked thousands of fish at 15'. I trolled two lines with no bites. Chrome 50/50 doger with pink mimi squid with scent and shrimp,also tried red spin and glow with red beads and red hook with sent and shrimp. trolled a large red spinner as well. I only saw a couple fish caught among the 75 plus boat that around me on Friday and Saturday.
7/30/2012 11:00:00 AM
But, the old man that I saw on Saturday was slaying the fish. He had one fish after another and at least twice he had doubles and over a hundred boats around him had no bites. So, there is something that unlocks jaws. I said to the expert, it seems like you are the only one who knows the secret. The old man replied, 30 years of experience of sockeye fishing at Washington Lake. :)
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709