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American Lake Report
Pierce County, WA


Rainbow Trout

Today was my second ever trip to american. Not as productive as the last time I was there, but we were still able to catch a few in the short time there. We were using fire tiger needlefish in little american, and bagged a couple. The "fun" began when we got onto the main lake by the VA. Now, maybe it's just me, but american is a nice sized lake. There is more than enough room for all to have fun. That being said, I'm still curious why all the bigger boats had to fly past us less than 30' away. We were less than 40' from shore and had repeated passes between us and land. Had one group in a newer wakeboard boat towing tubes do an almost complete circle around us. Needless to say, I threw my arms up in frustration. They then came by to see if we needed help. I told them that they could help by staying the "F" away and trying not to swamp us. I left after an hour out of sheer frustration and anger at all the close passes. Again, the lake is plenty big for all of us. I really wish that they would test for common sense when you get your boaters license, because there was definitely a lack of it today. It really made me miss electric only lakes. Other than the idiot boaters, the weather was nice, and fishing decent. Tight lines!
PS, I stopped by Bill's Boathouse today looking for Mike@Bills to show him the article about fat steelies in american but he wasn't there, maybe I'll catch you next time Mike!


6/22/2012 8:02:00 AM
Sorry for not being there, It was my wifes day off so I stayed home with here and the kids. By any chance were you driving a subaru with an aluminum boat on top? I was putting some garbage in the dumpster and saw someone with a boat on top of their car and I dont see that everyday. Hope to catch you next time I still want to see that article. As far as the boats go the boaters favorite place is in between the island and the VA shore because it is wide and mostly strait. There is a lot of times I am fishing at 5 AM and the slolom skiers are already tearing the water up. Good luck next time.
6/22/2012 9:01:00 AM
Thanks for the report! I have had alot of success with those little needlefish! Those ski boats are the most frustrating annoyance ever. Last time I was there, I was anchored up close to shore in the same area and they kept coming right by me, nearly capsizing my raft. I don't understand why they can't stay in the wide open north end. Maybe next time, toss out a few bobbers with large treble hooks.
6/22/2012 1:53:00 PM
Mike@Bills, No worries, everyone needs a day off! That was me with the aluminum on top of the subaru. It's definitely a little odd with the 12' on top of the car, but it works and we've driven all over the state with it up there. We are looking to get a cheap trailer, but use the roof until we can find one. It's actually nice sometimes because we can launch almost anywhere when the launch's are busy. I will stop by with that article the next time I come down, but not on thursday cause I guess that's your day off.
@ Chumknuckle, Those needlefish really work. The fish don't seem to bite much either, they just attack it out of nowhere. When I use flies, I usually get nibbles and have to set the hook. Not with the needlefish, all of the sudden the rods just keel over, straight attacked! I like the bobber/treble hook idea, catch me some unruly boats/tubes, haha! (joking!) I just don't understand though, with a lake so big, why do they feel they have to get so close. I swear I had an invisible sign above us that said "See how close you can get without hitting us!". It seems to me that as the weather gets better and number of boats increases, common sense and courtesy seem to go out the window. Oh well, I guess it's just something that I'm gonna have to learn to live with. Good luck and tight lines!
6/22/2012 6:38:00 PM
The North end of the lake is where the fishin is at! There is so many trout down there its not funny. I was getting Ok hits with the needle fish then I put a trebble hook wrapped with pink feathers on it and now it is amazing!
6/23/2012 4:50:00 AM
June 23, 2012
I am a new kid on the block but thought I would throw in my 2cents worth. My 50 year old son says " IF COMMON SENSE WERE SO COMMON , EVERYONE WOULD HAVE IT ". I am a few months shy of 70 years young and a retired Federal Police Officer. I just wish
that we could ad lights and sirens to our boats and nail the people that like to get too close to those of us who are enjoying a day of
leisure fishing on a lake.
6/24/2012 5:23:00 PM
I had the same experience with wake board riders over by the VA. Is there a way to call and complain giving the offending boater's license? I had to yell twice as they were blasting rap music as they went by. Again I was in a 16 foot boat and morons should know that a big wake is going to make it harder than hell to troll with an electric motor. I would understand on a small lake but this lake is huge.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709