6/11/2012 11:35:00 PMElijah.Loves.Fishin
6/12/2012 1:00:00 AMCCTMark
6/12/2012 10:15:00 AMRocky
6/12/2012 1:53:00 PMDrumdog
6/12/2012 3:01:00 PM2 casts with a Zoom lizard and 2 pound smallie couldn't resist it. 3 docks and 20 minutes later my partner bagged a 4 pound 2 oz largemouth.
Then nothing but 4 or 5 dink smallies the rest of the day. Like Danny said, the water temp was 5 degrees cooler than last week when my partner bagged 22 fish, including 2 smallies just under 5 pounds.