6/7/2012 11:41:00 AM
6/7/2012 12:37:00 PM
6/7/2012 3:04:00 PM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
First Bass of the 2012 Season - 06-05-12
I don’t know about others, but for me, sometimes the urge to go fishing becomes so strong and irresistible that I will succumb to the temptation of fishing during my lunch break. Here is the game plan broken down:
1) Fifteen minutes to get to fishing location
2) Thirty minutes to fish
3) Fifteen minutes to get back to work
Neither the overcast skies nor the rain that fell through most of the morning and early afternoon could stop the urge to go.
I left parking lot at work and headed to the south end of Lake Washington. It was raining.
Arrive at the lake. The rain was still falling. I decided to only prepare one of the two rigs so maximize fishing time. Realized I brought the reel with 8# test instead of 6# test. Hope it won’t be a factor.
Started with a bright green Sniper Bolt, nose hooked. Nothing. I rigged the Bolt wacky style. Same result.
Switched to a dark brown Sniper Snub. Nothing again.
Moved to the Ivar’s Restaurant facing the lake. Still nothing. This is not looking good. Time is running out.
Weather calms and the rain stops. Really feeling the time crunch. Mind races through a myriad of paths to take. Change bait size? Change bait color? Change bait type? Screw it, go back to work? I wasted a good two minutes being indecisive. Don’t do this!
Re-centered self and got back in the game. Change to a brown Chompers drop shot worm and dropped it the other side of the corner nearly straight down. Felt something as soon as the weight hit the lake bottom. It was a solid pull straight down and held. I reeled up the slack to set the hook and felt the sensation you feel when you know you pulled it out of the fish’s mouth. ^@#@#*(*@#~!!!!!!! No, I didn’t curse verbally, but you could probably guess my sentiments.
I let the spot “rest” and waited about a minute before I dropped the rig into about the same spot.
2:12pm and change
Put the worm in about the same spot. Once again, it got hit just as the weight hit the bottom. Waited just a wee bit longer and this time I had it. About time! I brought it up quickly and went through the motions of a small fist pump. The folks eating in the Ivar’s Restaurant probably thought I was a weirdo.
Took a photo of the smallmouth bass, wrapped everything up, and headed back to work with a minute to spare.
Back at work with the smell of bass on my hands despite a generous application of hand sanitizer, lol.
I just wish I could catch fish with more time and less pressure. However, I will concede at times, it is a great feeling when persistence and perseverance pay off, because in my case as a shore-bound angler, that is often not the case. Tight lines.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service