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Green Lake Report
King County, WA



Rock Bass

I decided to give Green Lake a shot since I haven't fished it in a while. I was debating trying a couple spots on the Kirkland side of Lake Washington or some spots on Lake Union but went with Green Lake. After fishing from about 6pm - 9:30pm I totally wish that I would have went with either Washington or Union.

I had heard that the rock bass had been biting pretty good at Green Lake so I went with the expectation of slaughtering them like I typically do when I actually target them. That however was not the case at all today. My usual spots where I typically find schools and catch cast after cast pretty much produced nothing. I tried some spots where I previously only targeted trout and they produced a few rock bass and sculpin. Most of the bites were from sculpin that were too small to get my entire bait in the mouth. I fished mainly 3-4" soft plastics.

I wasn't really going to post a report for this but I felt the need to post because of one little thing. I caught my second monster sculpin. Last year I caught a big 8" sculpin out of Lake Union. Well I caught one out of Green Lake this time. This one's for you SculpinKing :) Enjoy!


6/4/2012 6:46:00 AM
Hah, as soon as I saw the photo I knew I was going to have to come up with a reason to comment. Thanks for the shout out. :)
chad s.
6/4/2012 10:30:00 AM
The rock bass are spawning in a lot of lakes right now, so that might be why they weren't biting. Believe it or not, they're not the most aggresive even when you present a bait in their bed.
chad s.
6/4/2012 10:32:00 AM
A sand or smoke with gold flake sniper snub will outproduce even nightcrawlers for rockbass IMO!
6/4/2012 11:45:00 AM
Hey Nice Daiwa aird combo - poses nice for the camera.
6/4/2012 12:23:00 PM
Wow, usually rock bass will try to eat anything put in front of them. Chad is right on one count, the rock bass are spawning. At American Lake last friday I was having them squirt all over while unhooking them. But that certainly wasn't stopping them from eating. While smallmouth fishing they harassed my plastics all day long. Probably caught 30, and would most likely have caught 5 times that many more if I would have down sized my plastics....And by the way, that has to be one of the biggest fresh water skulpins I have ever seen!
6/4/2012 3:25:00 PM
@ sculpinking - thought you might like that :)
6/4/2012 3:25:00 PM
@ chad s. - i will kindly disagree, i have seen rock bass on beds, dropped baits right in front of them and watched them go absolutely bananas and savagely attack my baits. i have seen few get spooked and run away but always come back to defend. however, i will agree about sniper snubs being deadly for rock bass and bass in general. i've even caught big yellow perch and sculpin on them.
6/4/2012 3:26:00 PM
@ pika206 - thanks man, it's a great combo :)
6/4/2012 3:31:00 PM
@rickydbasser - that's one thing i love and hate about american. i love catching rock bass because they are fun and fight hard for their size. but after 20 - 30 + rock bass, they can be a bit annoying when you want a nice smallie! i fished american from a boat all day once and caught over 80 rock bass on either a drop shot or small spinnerbaits.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709