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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Spirit Lake Report
Kootenai County, ID



61° - 65°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
Brook Trout
Mostly Sunny

My grandparents have a lake cabin up at spirit, and me and my dad heard that if you fish at the mouth of Brickle creek at 10 ft of water, worm and a hook with no weight, there is good cutthroat trout ranging from 12 to 20in so we went out to try our luck and see if we could produce some fish, we heard there are some really nice brook trout in there and were praying we could get one at least one, the fishing was hot but not with huge fish the biggest was about 15 in so we only kept 2 and let the rest to get bigger. I was kind of frustrated because I was expecting nice 20 in trout, we ended up talking to our nabor about it and he said if you go up the creek about 100 YDS there are some 3 to 4 LB cutthroat and brook trout up in the creek and if you through some rooster tails in there, and that’s what does it. so the next day we went out again stalked up with rooster tails to try our luck. When we arrived to the creek we went up 100 YDS like our nabor said, anchored and started to fish right off the bat i get a hit, I yanked and missed!! I was not about to give up and so finally I ticked him of and he took it, Fish on. after 3 good runs and almost getting it caught in the prop I land this 3 LB brook trout, and then for some reason my dad can only produce 12 to 15 in trout, the rest of the day was kind of slow but I’m proud to say I caught my first ever brook trout and I think it was a MONSTER!!!


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709