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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Omak Lake Report
Okanogan County, WA



66° - 70°
Cutthroat Trout
56° - 60°

Wow! What a day. I got to be out on the water with some my favorite fishing buddies on a day that perfect. The weather was great. The fish were eager. There was great size. Everyone was right on top of their game. At the end of the little five hour fishing expedition, the clicker read 50 fish to the boat. The little fish was 14 inches. The next smallest Lahontan was 17 inches. The average fish was 21 inches. The big fish was 6.5 pounds. The highlight of the day had to be 4 fish in the net simultaneously. Now, that's what I call a quad! We had good food too. Oh, there was only one other boat on the lake the whole day.

We fished in the Southern end of the lake. Although most everything got bit, Silver Horde's Kingfisher Lite spoons seemed to get bit most consistently. Look for fish on the sonar and hit them in the head. These Lahontans are amazingly aggressive. Ramping the speed up to around 2.2 to 2.4 mph seems to get the most bites.

Anton Jones - Darrell and Dad's Family Guide Service
WL.com Official Sponsor, (509) 687-0709 or toll-free (866) 360-1523

Anton Jones - Darrell and Dad's Family Guide Service

(509) 687-0709

Official Northwest Fishing Reports Sponsor


5/19/2012 11:58:00 AM
What is the regulations in the lake
11/25/2014 4:38:00 PM
What size of lure (3, 3 1/2, 4)
Darrell and Dad's
11/25/2014 5:48:00 PM
Mostly 3.5's but anything from 2 to 5 inches is right in their wheelhouse. When we go up to 6" lures, we cut the bite rate down. Anton
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709