5/15/2012 11:28:00 AMrappuhd
5/15/2012 1:57:00 PMJim W
5/15/2012 9:18:00 PMuntil 8:00am then not a strike after that, so I left at 9:00 am, all my strikes were in the top 10 ft of water, chrome dodger, red wedding band with a bronze blade tipped with white shoepeg corn, with my secret marinade.
I went back to Samish this morning this time I got on the lake at 5:15 am bite was hot same spot same gear caught 2 but lost at least 10 at the boat, could not get my net on the fish, bad shoulder. at 8:00 am the bite shut down, I had my boat on the trailer by 8:30.
The Kokanee in this lake are huge almost every fish I caught was a fat 12 to 14 ".