Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
I was on my way home from work and got a call from my wife saying she was headed to her mom's to pick up her sister. That is an hour each direction..Nice!..Detoured my route home to include a stop by this great little lake on the way home. I was there from about 6 to a bit after 8:30 fishing worm under a float from the public boat launch. I caught a couple nice Crappie and Bluegill. I haven't caught or eaten these in years (since I was a kid) so I was pleasantly surprised.
Some of you may have noticed I put my target species as trout but as many of you know, sometimes that's just not how things work out when you're fishin'. Lol
So after reading many great reports on here from guys like Panfisher, yooper fisher, and others I thought I would keep them and try them. They were quite active and though you do have to be pretty quick to set the hook, they are willing biters when you find them. I am embarrassed to say how many bites I missed because trout fishing I can set my rod down and watch the float. These little guys may be willing biters but once they find that hook, you've missed your chance if it isn't being jammed into their mouth by that point. :D
Anyway, caught 6 released 4 to grow some more. Got home with them and had no clue what to do next so I youtubed how to fillet crappie and bluegill. Excellent video! Filleted them, first try.
Nice way to spend a couple hours after work. Thanks to everyone here both for informative reports and great feedback. Thanks for making this great sport even better and these forums possible.
Now, what's a great tasting, healthy way to cook these little fillets?? :)
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service