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Myron Lake Report
Yakima County, WA



46° - 50°
Bottom Fishing From Shore

Making lure sample packs for fellow Walakers has kept me pretty busy lately, so when I ran out of a couple of essential lure componenets, I hopped in the truck and headed to Yakima to stock up. I couldn't resist the fishin' itch, so I headed down to Myron Pond to Field test out a new Cajun/Green Damzel Nymph Jig. All I can say is it was hella cold and nasty out there today. It was a fateful trip because I met Gordy Chin, master jig fly maker and as far as I can tell, a new fishing partner and lure making enthusiaist. No one else seemed to be having any luck, so Gordy and I went down by the logs on the East end and I demonstrated to him how the Nymph jig looked in the water. After about 10 minutes, a 17 to 18" Triploid trout tatered my Jig! After a brief fight, I got her up to the bank but I tried to lift the fish up a little to much and she broke off, taking my jig with her! I chatted with Gordon for a 1/2 hour or so and exchanged jigs and phone numbers. Later ,after he went home, I tried the trash can hole and on my second cast I hooked another big Triploid trout. I ended up retaining her when she rolled on the ground while I tried to release it.( Poor thing looked like a dirt covered Granola bar...) so I ended up keeping her. But it was the Big crappie near the same spot that inhaled a 3" Stone dragun jig that got me all excited! 5 big crappie in 15 minutes, all around 10". I kept that 17" triploid and my mess of crappie and headed home with a smile on my face. As far as I know, i was the only one to score any fish while I was at Myron Today today. Now back home to making my majical Nymph jigs for my Bros! Jiggy


5/3/2012 11:46:00 PM
Great job! Where can I find those jigs that you make? I would like to buy some to try out! You can email me at chlubm2008@hotmail.com. Thanks!
5/4/2012 12:12:00 AM
Thumbs up!
5/4/2012 12:14:00 AM
Ok, I'll bite....... LOL Where do I look for the particulars on the jigs? How much for some sort of sample packet of your favorites? Thanks Jiggy, You're catching like crazy and I'm wanting a piece of the action too.... LOL
5/4/2012 8:31:00 AM
Way to go brother if this keeps up your going to have to hire some help making jigs.. praise god
5/4/2012 10:35:00 AM
don't do it Jiggy!! We need ALL the fish to ourselves!!!!

Just kidding. Caught 2 more salmon at Avery Landing on the way down. Little things.
5/4/2012 4:18:00 PM
Hey F.C. is that the boat landing by Avery Island on the Columbia??
5/4/2012 7:24:00 PM
If your looking for a piece of the action then all you need is green, for the right amount of money Jiggy will make you jigs, take you out to lakes only few people see and show you how to catch fish, and if you don't do well, then, again for the right amount he will sell you some. Thanks Jiggy your a beast!!!
5/4/2012 9:06:00 PM
yeah, rocky. Caught 'em on Jiggy's lures. Outdid bait on the other line (I avoid phone calls by saying I was on the other line.).

Worm is right, and Jiggy's prices are good. Wanna kick up production? Send your recyclable plastic lures to him. I got in early by doing so, and by his generosity, and it is a great way to do something with those back of the tackle box lures kept "just in case." Or am I the only one who does that???

Jiggy: voicemail is full!
blufin loui
5/4/2012 10:11:00 PM
Keeep those reports coming Jiggie, good job with the Lures. They Seem to be the ticket.
5/4/2012 10:54:00 PM
Agreed! Keep up the good work. Love reading your reports,nice job again
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709