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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Eloika Lake Report
Spokane County, WA



Largemouth Bass

Super nice evening to fish, fighting the wind a little bit but over all an outstanding evening. I give it a 4 becasue it is hard for me to get out on the water for some REAL bassin. Anyhow, made first cast at 5:15 and fishing till aroung 8:15. My buddy and i always make a bet, one doller for first fish,biggest, and most. Well he cought the first one while i was motoring over to the area we wanted, he also got the numbers but i managed the big one. It went 4.13lbs. I also landed 3 fish in the 3lb class and a couple in the 1-2 pound class. All on sinkos. Can not wait for a couple of weeks for the top water action to pick up. We are planning another evening fish then. Talked to a guy fly fishing and we was killin um, another guy was there since 8am, holy crap that is a long time, he had 20 some fish but was looking for the 4lbers and up he said. another guy out there had good numbers, both cranking. Here is a funny side note: The larger fish in the picture, when he hit i set the hook and felt the head shake and new it was a nice one, then all of a sudden not much action and i seen a lot of long littly pads on the surface, well we were a little bit stumped for a few seconds but came to relize that the fish riped the line throught them and probably 15 huge stemes/pads came a float. pretty cool i though. Never seen that one before.


4/25/2012 9:24:00 PM
Ha! Did you catch her with a topwater! Really, dude, did you try any topwaters! Great to see you back in action Tim, been a long time! The action starting to heat up there!
4/26/2012 7:36:00 AM
HEY JIM! Nope i thought it was too early for my top waters untill i read a report on Newman and a guy claims he was catching them on top waters. You know i can not wait though.
4/26/2012 2:58:00 PM
whoo! nice chunky fish! good job!
4/26/2012 9:38:00 PM
Nice bass!!
4/28/2012 4:43:00 PM
Nice to see some decent hogs coming out of eloika ! been to broke to get my license but as soon as I get it its on like donkey kong !
keep ya linez tight
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709