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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Burke Lake Report
Grant County, WA


Bottom Fishing From Shore
Rainbow Trout

well guys I must say that this years annual Quincy Lakes Trout Derby was one of the best in years. My partner Kavin Bolser and I ended up winning the Derby with a 5 fish weight of 14.8 lbs and a second big fish weight of 4.6 pounds. The most amazing thing was I sold a kid one of my special Triploid Trout Dragun Bug jigs that I make and he caught the biggest fish of the tournament on it 10 minutes before the weigh in! Kavin and I went home $350.00 richer for it! Friday was an amazing day on Burke as well, as we were in the field test/pre fish mode. Using a hand poured smoke/chartruse tail Dragun Bugz I designed, I limited out on big 3 to 5 pound triploids in less than a half an hour! Trout love this jigs! I recorded 3 separate Triploid videos that I plan to post here later this week. For of you who didn't know a staph infection nealy killed me last summer. Then I was afflicted with blindness, but a black minister touched me with Holy Spirit at a revival, and now I am Glaucoma free and healed! I also have a new career path to follow making my own lures. Good luck guys, sincerely Jiggy


3/4/2012 7:40:00 AM
Alright Jiggy! Great to hear of your recovery. Congrats on winning the derby!!!
3/4/2012 10:13:00 AM
Way to go Jiggy I fish that lake about 18 years ago and all it had was little stocktd trout I here they are even catchingwalleyee
out of evergreen now. I guess I might have to come back and try it again thanks for the report.
3/4/2012 10:44:00 AM
Jiggy, you have had one hell of a year. Glad your health is back, and able to engage in outdoor activities again. Look forward to viewing your soon to be released video's, and homemade creations.
3/4/2012 5:53:00 PM
If you have seen the seen the show Hunt For Big Fish, ther is a lure contest right now. Watch the show or go onto makelure.com for details. The last episode was just on making lures.
blufin loui
3/4/2012 6:39:00 PM
Hi ya Jiggster, It is good to see another report form ya, and congrats on the derby and your lure making. Do you do Paypal or would I need to send Money order to get a sample pack to try out your new plastics. Stay safe and well my friend.
The Jigmiester
3/4/2012 11:46:00 PM
Hey all you guys! Thanks for the support. For any of you interested, I'll send you a sample pack loaded with Triploid Killer jigs, Dragun Bugz , Walleye Sculpins, and Nymphs. There are Prostaff field tester positions open so you would get free new protoypes to test. Man, It's awesome to be apart of it here on Wa.lakes. IM or email me at dobberdeluxe@yahoo.com to discuss sample pack details Mr. Lewis. Thanks again. Jiggy
3/5/2012 9:41:00 AM
I used some of your Dragun bugs on friday and caught 14 trout in about an 1 hour and 3 were over 3 pounds, thank you again for the field test packet Jiggy, I will be going out again today with my daughter because I no I will be able to catch enough fish to keep her busy and keep her attention in the fishing. In the past she has always lost interest quick and is ready to go but I think today it will be different so thanks again, maybe now I can get her hooked on fishing!!! -WORM-
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709