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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Nahwatzel Lake Report
Mason County, WA



Bottom Fishing From Boat
Rainbow Trout
Power Bait
Hook & Bait

Fished both Sat. and Sunday, but report for Sunday is same as Sat.On Sat. it rained slightly, I didn't limit but my wife did. I caught large fish at 15 inches,, we had a visitor that day, really shook Melanie to have a bird that big practically on her shoulder, flew around the boat at REAL close quarters ( like 5 ft from us, doing it's best to avoid fishing rods, the fish Melanie was playing at the time by the boat went ballistic, doing amazing dives down deep to avoid the heron. fish on the stringer still alive also went nuts, but bird never directly went after our fish ), obvious that bird had been fed by fishermen or local lake residents in the past. We didn't do that although we had a few small fish we could have spared, habituating animals like that is a real bad idea, as a wildlife photographer I know that bird will likely get into trouble, maybe get a hook in it or hurt by an irate fsherman, it flew to another fshermen's boat after we wouldn't give it a handout and he chased it away. It put the fish down while it was about, anther good reason to not encourage them. Sat on the prow of our canoe 3 ft. from Melanie, impressive, only had the point and shoot with us.We didn't see him on Sun. , and a friend on friday didn't see him either. 2nd photo is large fish on Sunday at 16 inches.We had a run in with some clowns at the launch when we were loading out on Sun., they pulled in , let their dog out,(some pitbull mix)threw a stick in the water, and the dog went in. No problem until she told her husband to"get the shampoo" when I informed them that they couldn't do that she asked why , I said that the trout wouldn't appreciate that, people get drinking water from that lake, and it was illegal. She told me to "mind my own business", I told her that was what I was doing and proceded to take a photo of her and her license plate, she threatened to put that camera somewhere unpleasant, I asked her if she really wanted to go to jail and or the hospital, Melanie already had a sheriff on the phone, he said "that sure sounds like a threat of assault" but they were leaving fast so no "rescue" was needed. Just a heads up,fragile CLEAN lakes need all our protection, lots of morons and litterbugs to ruin them without our help. Bob r


Mike Carey
1/9/2012 9:29:00 AM
wow, that bird shot is amazing. Sorry to hear about incident at the boat launch. People like that can do irrational stuff, always scary.
1/9/2012 10:06:00 AM
Thanks for the report Bob. This is exactly why I'm not renewing my fishing license this year, I've had it with the inconsiderate outdoors people who refuse to think of any but themselves. In the past few years I did some volunteer work for Fish and Wildlife and while doing my job to help protect/preserve our fishing resources I had my life threatened on more than one occasion. And I could tell you story after story of people that I encountered that refused to "play by the rules" and insisted on breaking the law. Even after a stern warning (I was wearing official clothing at the time and told them that Enforcement was just a phone call away) I had unbelievable responses and even threats. It's a shame that we can no longer just go out and enjoy a day on the water and not feel stressed out by other less considerate individuals..

Ok, off my soap box now, thanks again and tight lines!
1/9/2012 10:16:00 AM
Years ago a Blue Heron wouldn't come within 100 yards of a human, let alone sit on a boat. There is a reason duck hunters use them as confidence decoys. Good job on calling out the numbskulls with the dog. The lake is exceptionally clear despite it being shallow and at such a low elevation.
1/9/2012 11:36:00 AM
Nice report Bob. That heron is really neat, albeit tame. Great shot!
1/9/2012 2:36:00 PM
Is there other type's of trout in that lake? The spots on your photographed fish look to be oblong and curved. Much like a tiger trout. Just and observation.
1/9/2012 2:49:00 PM
Okay, went picture hunting on the web. That is not a tiger. But a nicely spotted fish.
Bob R
1/9/2012 4:56:00 PM
No, def. rainbows, although I noted on one orange streaks on both undersides of the jaw. I've heard of rainbow/cutthroat crossbreeds called cutbows, but have never seen one. With all the hatchery spawning programs for both species maybe genetics a little mixed up? I know they aren't spawning in the lake, but there is an outlet creek. (?)Folks weren't all that scary, just stubborn morons. Thanks for comments on heron, Bob R
1/9/2012 4:58:00 PM
Thanks for the report Bob. This is exactly why I'm not renewing my fishing license this year, I've had it with the inconsiderate outdoors people who refuse to think of any but themselves. In the past few years I did some volunteer work for Fish and Wildlife and while doing my job to help protect/preserve our fishing resources I had my life threatened on more than one occasion. And I could tell you story after story of people that I encountered that refused to "play by the rules" and insisted on breaking the law. Even after a stern warning (I was wearing official clothing at the time and told them that Enforcement was just a phone call away) I had unbelievable responses and even threats. It's a shame that we can no longer just go out and enjoy a day on the water and not feel stressed out by other less considerate individuals..

Ok, off my soap box now, thanks again and tight lines!
1/9/2012 4:59:00 PM
oops! Sorry, I hit the refresh button and it reposted.
1/9/2012 6:33:00 PM
@Moto I think that F&W plants both brood rainbows and cutthroat into the lake after they have spawned them at a local hatchery
1/9/2012 7:30:00 PM
i second what mike said. amazing shot of the heron. some people are just beyond ridiculous..
1/11/2012 1:10:00 PM
Hey, fishcop nice work you have managed to piss off more people trying to enjoy the outdoors. Obviously you did not know that dawn dish soap is ok to use! It was used when BP a major sponsor of bassfishermen everywhere, wich you seem to think are idiots, per your comments, was used on waterfowl in and on the water! Maybe just maybe, if you spent less time trying to educate others you could educate yourself first!
Bob R
1/11/2012 4:39:00 PM
Yeah, polluting our lakes in vioation of state law and soaping the insides of trout sounds like a GREAT idea, how do you know it was dawn?Was it you and your girlfriend? I guess not as It actually was flea soap, you know, the ones that have insecticide in them. That sounds GREAT for trout in a clean, shallow lake like this one.I actually used dawn to wash shorebirds after the spill in the early "90s at ocean shores, donated 5 days to that, what have you done for the environment you fish in lately?And defending B.P.? The corporation that destroyed the Gulf with a major oil spill 2 years ago? And is still refusing to take responsibility for all the folks whose lives they ruined?As for enjoying the outdoors these folks didn't even have a vehicle tag to use the launches we pay for with our license fees. And you condone this behaviour? You should have posted your reply earlier when more members would have "answered you", most everybody else has already replied positively to my actions. You are a minority in your opinions, fortunatly. Bob R
Bob R
1/11/2012 6:13:00 PM
Oh, and for your info,"Buc", the soap was Hartz flea and tick shampoo, and the warning on the label is as follows,"Environmental Hazards- This product is TOXIC to aquatic organisms,including FISH and invertabrates. Do not contaminate water or rinsate.Thanks for your insight, too bad it's wrong. Bob R
1/12/2012 6:58:00 AM
where the heck is a hall monitor when ya "need" 1 eh
1/13/2012 8:19:00 AM
Thanks for the great report. Hope to meet you out there some time. Be careful confronting weirdos. I won't go into any stories now. I bet everyone who's been doing this stuff for a while has some.
Bob R
1/14/2012 8:46:00 AM
Thanks for post,Tony. We were going to hit the Nisqually this weekend for eagle photos but rain and wind kept us in. We have a green old town canoe, see you on the lake sometime. bob r
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709