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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA


Bottom Fishing From Shore
Largemouth Bass

I got a few free hours today so I headed to Lk Wa. to see if bass moved back into the shallows after I noticed it didn't get very cold last night. Happily they were back in the pads. I wasn't getting much of anything on my go to rigs so I started dead sticking a 6'' hand poured berkley worm. The fish were sluggish, I didn't even feel the bite until the line went running. I though I got a good one but it was just tangled in the lilly's on the retrieve. I don't think I'll be landing any more 5 pounders from land this year but it was still nice to get into some LMB. One of the photo's was from my last report where I think I forgot to upload the photo. All fish caught and released as always. Peace and Go Cards!!


10/23/2011 8:32:00 PM
Does anyone know why my photo's are not posting? I uploaded them and again... they did not post.
10/23/2011 8:45:00 PM
glad you got into some, even if they werent big...gj!
10/23/2011 8:57:00 PM
hmm that's weird.. did you remember to click upload after selecting the file? good job on the catching :D
The Quadfather
10/24/2011 6:47:00 AM
Definetly got to remember the "Upload" after selecting the file, I've forgot that myself,, but also make sure that you write your report first, AND THEN do the photo. For some reason if you photo first... then take too long on the report, that can screw it up.
10/24/2011 10:32:00 AM
That was my mistake posting my first pic. Didn't hit the Upload box.
10/24/2011 6:26:00 PM
My previous post I was pretty sure I hit upload, when it didn't show up I made sure I hit upload on this report w/ both photo's and no dice. I don't know if it's my Mac or the sight but I've been having a lot of trouble with WL.com recently. Is there a way to re-submit the photo's??
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709