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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Tapps Lake Report
Pierce County, WA



Tiger Muskie
All Day

Caught my First Tiger Musky. It wasn't a Monster but it counts. This is a fish that I have never caught. Day started out cold and windy, ended sunny and warm. Fished for bass while my friend lee fished for Tigers. He had two follows and second one actually grabbed the lure and was on for about 1 second. Shortly after I changed to a spinner bait and caught mine. We also caught 5 smallies. All in all a great day.


Mark K
7/11/2011 1:29:00 PM
Nice job! How big was your Tiger?
7/11/2011 1:41:00 PM
Thanks, I added a pic but it didn't show up. Didn't measure it just wanted to get it back in the water. My guess is it was about 24". This was only my second trip out to Tapps.
7/11/2011 6:38:00 PM
What worked for the smallies?
7/12/2011 10:04:00 AM
for the Smallies...Drop shot using sinkos can't remember the color I think it was watermelon with red flak. Also Chartruese spinner baits caught one, and one on a Musky bucktail.
7/13/2011 7:35:00 AM
Congrats on your first tiger! Careful, they are addictive. Ask my wife! I spend every free moment I think I can on the lake fishing for them now. I would spend more, but I may come home to an empty house if i fish any more! LOL!
7/13/2011 10:05:00 AM
Thanks I will be careful LOL..they are fun, this one launched out of the water like a rocket after being hooked. It was a short fight but still a blast. I will be back I have 3 fishing buddies that have not caught one either and they all want to mark the Tiger off their list of fish they have caught.
7/13/2011 10:44:00 AM
One other comment on the Smallies. On the way into the boat they were spitting out gobs of fry. Looked like a wide bodied fry like carp or rock bass or bluegill. They were partially digested so I could not see exactly what they were the size was about 1/2"
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709