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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Hicks Lake Report
Thurston County, WA



Bottom Fishing From Boat
Smallmouth Bass

Fished Hicks for the first time yesterday morning...very nice little lake! Me and my buddy went out starting the day for largemouth...I caught a squealer weighing about a pound and hooked 4 trout...1 one a gold Blue Fox Vibrax Spinner, 3 on a gold Krocodile lure trolling.

So my buddy is beating up the shoreline...he nails this nice smallmouth....really nice fish...4.75 lbs and just over 18 inches. It was really cool to see a smallmouth in person...my turn next time!


6/7/2011 9:11:00 AM
dude what the heck ?!?!?..2 posts in a row 'n both on my water !! and ya never see reports about 'em !!!
...i grew up fish'n Hicks...how was the traffic/ramp/parking ect?...... i have a place up on the west fork and i'm not going to say what was seen clear up to the deckerville ALLLREADY !! WOW !!!

anyways thnx for the Hicks report....Tight Lines 'n Strong Knots....DOG
6/7/2011 9:13:00 AM
P.S. real purty brown fish bye the way...DOG
6/7/2011 11:00:00 AM
No traffic...3 boats on the water and ramp was good....
6/7/2011 11:07:00 AM
Wow, used to fish Hicks years ago. Thought there was only largemouth in that lake. But, like I say, its been years since I fished it.
6/7/2011 6:15:00 PM
Have never seen smallies in Hicks ever. That is interesting. How did they get there? Officially planted or bucket biologist? If they are in Hicks, they will likely show up in Pattison and Long before very long. Would not be surprised to see them in St Clair too since they are very nearby. Wow.
6/7/2011 9:28:00 PM
Yeah, my buddy said he didn't know there was Smallies in Hicks either....
6/8/2011 9:46:00 AM
Over twenty years ago three bass fishermen I knew caught 21 smallies of various sizes and planted them in St. Claire. Though its a lake me and friends fish alot, we have never caught, seen, or heard of anyone catching a smallie in that lake. What happened to those original plants, I do not know.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709