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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Deep Lake Report
Grant County, WA



Rainbow Trout

We took our annual trip to Sun Lakes for some fishing, sun, and relaxation. We tried Deep lake from the cliffs on the left and had fish instantly. Originally we used bait, but we switched up to Panther Martin spinners because it was too easy! If you waited more than twenty seconds after you cast in, you are doing something wrong....The yearling trout are impossible to keep off! We did catch a few little guys that looked to have striping on them. Are these the fabled tiger trout I have heard about? I attached a picture of one of the smaller ones we caught with those markings...We fished all the lakes over there so check out the reports for more pics!


5/14/2011 7:00:00 PM
I'm no expert. That doesn't look to be a tiger. That appears to be an injury or some type of marking. Thanks for the report
5/14/2011 7:32:00 PM
Thats what I thought...frankly, they were ugly fish. When I first saw it I was thinking he was some lucky little fish that escaped a predator I figured they were scars, but after catching a few with the same markings it kind of made me wonder a little. Oh...forgot to mention, the markings looks EXACTLY the same on both sides of the fish.
5/15/2011 1:54:00 AM
man thats pretty crazy. you should call wdfw fish program number and ask if they know about them
5/15/2011 12:44:00 PM
That is a baby rainbow
5/15/2011 1:00:00 PM
Any idea what the markings are Kingchinook?
5/15/2011 9:31:00 PM
im no expert, but i think that could be some parasite or injury but after heary that all the fish had the markings i would think its a rainbow
5/4/2012 4:14:00 PM
I dont know what the markings are, but i can say that isn't a Tiger trout. I have been catching tigers up north of Colville in Black Lake for the past 7 years or so (?). Personally, and i could be wrong to think so, but I'm afraid when i hear they are planting those things around now. When they first started with them in Black Lake, the lake had rainbows and browns and other fish to i believe... in the last 5 years not one person i know has caught anything but a tiger out of their. Just makes me think they must be eating all the fry of the other fish, to the point of killing everything else out. On the brighter side of it though, even those little 6-8 inch fish put up a fight that always surprises you how small they are once you actually get them eyes sight.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709