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Trout Lake Report
King County, WA



Largemouth Bass

Went to Trout again still no fish. I tried for a reaction strike with x-raps and spinner baits before switching back to texas rigged plastics. Targeted 2 to 10 feet of water. Water temp was up to 44. I bet around 48 fish will start hitting.

The connections I was using for braid to floro were crappy, so I found the "seaguar" knot on you tube. It is easy to tie and seems to be strong. I will test it out next week. If any one knows a better knot I'll try that also.

I foung a big slamander under my boat when I was loading it up. I wish the regs would allow us to use them. Last year I found a lot of small black one with a yellow stripe down the back.

On Monday or tuesday I think I will go to Sawyer, maybe get a smallie to bite!


3/12/2011 1:54:00 PM
tying knots;


3/12/2011 3:56:00 PM
52 is usually when the bass are active, I can only get them to pick up a darter head, that's down in California though, the smallies should hit at 46-48 like you said... Good luck, rip some lips!
3/12/2011 4:44:00 PM
I thought you could use live bait if you caught it at the lake you were fishing. Why can't you use salamanders?
3/12/2011 5:51:00 PM
What knots were you using that didn't work?
roger kohls
3/12/2011 11:43:00 PM
It may be mating season for salamanders. Was fishing Friday and saw two that appeared to be doing just that.
Jake Dogfish
3/13/2011 5:35:00 AM
Nice Catch!
Thats a Northwestern Salmander, Ambystoma gracile. The black one with a yellow stripe you described is a Long toed Salamander, Ambystoma macrodactylum.
Last time I was at Sawyer the boat launch was closed. That was about a month ago. Good luck!
3/13/2011 4:17:00 PM
I'm not sure the name of the knots I was using. I think I was pulling the knot tight too fast and making the knot weak. I also was using a swivel as connection point, but I kept reeling through top eye and it was annoying pulling it out. also, I'm not sure how long of leader to use so I have started at about 3 to 4 ft. Last year I tied all my lures/jigs directly to the braid and didn't have one hit all year. Maybe 30 hours of fishing, so hopefully the floro will get me some fish. Now that I'm more into bass fishin I have a lot more respect for the good guys. I didn't care so much when I was a salmon/steelhead junkie.
3/14/2011 7:52:00 AM
Hey procaster, I use an Albright knot when I'm going braid to flouro. You can find this knot in the book that comes with Power Pro. Alot of guys use the uni-uni knot but I'm able to tie the Albright easier when I'm on the water. I have a tendency to use longer leaders so I check my knots often because their running through the eyelets on my casts.
3/15/2011 8:11:00 AM
I only use jigs with the water this cold. I bet there are some shallow hungry fish on the rocks right now.
3/15/2011 8:12:00 AM
March is awesome for big fish at trout lake
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709