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Sammamish Lake Report
King County, WA



Cutthroat Trout

Got out on the water pretty early, second car at the launch, had to since wife's parents were coming up, so went into it knowing I would miss most of the 10-2 bite. Caught one 16" cutt right before the issaquah creek mouth, fished a few more hours around the weather bouy but no more bites using needlefish or wedding ring. I was by myself, so I wonder if I'm lucky even getting one fish while only having one lure out. I guess a guy feels like he can't cover a lot of water by himself. Had a blast though, it was the first day fishing for me in months, had my dog out in my little 10' rowboat with jerry rigged downriggers. I did try a Brad's cut plug lure with herring scent, no bite on that either. Has anyone else had luck on Samm with those types of lures? Would they work better on the Lake WA cutts?

There were a bunch of guys out that day, did anybody else feel like the front moving in from the north shut the bite down? I caught the one fish early and then nothing.



2/24/2011 8:19:00 PM
my friend tried the cut plug the other day and didn't produce, switched to a needle fish and wham. Good ol wedding ring never failed me on this lake as well as the needle fish. orange and green copper silver seem to work for me. most bite seems to come 10am -1pm from past luck, far north end is a good spot too. Other guys have had luck with other stuff and technique. Ive never used a down rigger here, always caught mine off the top or used a small diver.
2/24/2011 8:42:00 PM
Hey, don`t knock the 10` boat (just kidding) . I have a 10` Columbia that everything clamps on the sides incl. the riggers. Has worked pretty well for me except on pretty windy days(ha ha). I have had decent luck on the south side with hootchies and wedding rings and one of the guys I took out had some nice hits on a brn woolybooger. All of the fish we have caught there have not been on the downriggers(top 10`). Good luck to you.....
2/25/2011 8:29:00 AM
Thanks for the comments, I did screw up the date though, I was out on the 21st not the 20th, so I kind of thought that this front that was moving in from the north shut things down a bit (that's my story and I'm stickin to it). See you all out there. I'll post a pic soon.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709