2/12/2011 9:03:00 PM
Jay K
2/12/2011 9:54:00 PM
2/12/2011 11:31:00 PM
2/13/2011 7:20:00 AM
2/13/2011 11:50:00 AM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Was in the area, so I thought I'd try the ice on Newman.
First off, I didn't realize what a shady public launch it was; Red pickup hanging out on the launch watching me on the ice - thought he either wanted to steal my car when I got farther out or was waiting to make a drug deal. I finally walked off the ice and up to his vehicle, he rolled down the window - looked like he was high, red-rimmed bleary eyes chewing dip and spitting into a pepsi bottle. He attempted to make small talk. I asked him what he was doing. Told me he lived up the street and sometimes like to come down and just sit in his truck idling. Right. I said, "Fine, but you're making me a little nervous, so I called it in as a suspicious vehicle." He says sorry and then peels out of the parking lot. Then this other dude pulls up like he's gonna go down the ramp onto the ice. I'm standing there thinking, "What are YOU doing?" He looks at me, then turns around and peels out of the parking lot. I walk back out onto the ice. This process is repeated multiple times as cars pull up. Idle for a bit, turn around, stop behind my car (as if checking it out), then drives off. Only one car pulled up, discharged a kid and his dad who took a few steps on the ice, then drove off. Weird, man... This isn't a "People's Park" "Highbridge Park" situation is it?
So, I wasn't willing to roam the ice without the launch in direct line of sight. Fished shallow then 5-6ft of water - 6"+ of popcorn ice. It's stable, but hard to drill on - the auger just slips on it as it's drilling. Caught 3 dink perch and had a lot of sniffers, but couldn't get 'em to bite.
I was actually going out to get some bluegill or crappie, but since I couldn't/wouldn't roam the lake had to settle for whatever would look my way.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service