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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Desire Lake Report
King County, WA



Largemouth Bass

had a great day on the lake with my buddy who is new to bass fishing. despite rain, wind, and somewhat chilly air temps, we caught tons of fish. most all fish were 12" and under, however i did managed this nice 17" pig.


10/4/2010 2:31:00 AM
nice hawg man, what are they hitting now? :P
bob johansen
10/4/2010 7:44:00 AM
Desire was one of my favorite lakes several years ago. Caught lots of bass including 2 fish over five pounds. One is shown with the Lake Desire overview.
10/4/2010 1:46:00 PM
Nice. Bet he's hooked now.
10/4/2010 6:39:00 PM
@elijah, i had my buddy set up with a good ol F7 perch color rapala. i was using the original F11.
@Bob, i dont know if you remember giving me some info last year on lake desire, but it has helped me alot, hence the original F11 floater i caught this fish on. thanks again Mr. Johansen!
@islandbass, you called it perfectly, he is hooked! i thought maybe the rain would've done him in but he fished through it because we were havin so much fun.
10/4/2010 7:07:00 PM
right on man, i had a f9 floating rapala in perch color that i lost to a snag, need to get another one. thanks for the info :)
10/4/2010 8:24:00 PM
I'm jealous man, haven't been out since the last time I saw you. That is a nice fish, but man you gotta get a scale! lol. What do you think, 4lbs? No senkos this time eh? When are you heading out again? Maybe I can try to get over there too.
10/4/2010 9:57:00 PM
Nice fish yep been using perch color or green all year and knocking them dead on that. Funny one lake trolled a bass color and all I got was Perch. Sounds like you done well at Desire this year. Never been there live up north in snohomish county.
10/6/2010 5:47:00 PM
@tpursell, ya i do need a scale! the fish was between 17-18 " but fat as all get out, so probably somewheres around 3-4 lbs. anyhow im gonna try to go out thursday after work. i might also go out this weekend but not sure exactly when. how bout you?
@jamesb, id love to come up that way sometime and hit cassidy.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709