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Liberty Lake Report
Spokane County, WA


Bottom Fishing From Shore

So my fiance and I went out to Liberty to do a lil bit of evening trout fishing and some night time catfishing the weather was beautiful except the wind but it was no thing. We got there at oh ... 7:00pm and there was a rush of people loading and launching boats both fishing and rec boats.
Normaly I have no issue with people loading and launching but holy hell is it that hard to stay out of the way of the people fishing on shore?. WDFW made the fishing area there so that people could fish with out being in the way of boaters now why is it that the boaters get in the damn way of us on shore . There was several times I had to reel my line in so that it wouldnt get wraped in some jack ass' prop " I hope some of the people that were there read this as well " . We had people
5 feet from the shore line revving up there motors and stirring up weeds and disrupting our fishing . I had my fiance her sister and niece that is visiting us from texas and this was what happened when i took them fishing. I felt bad due to the fact that some of these boaters have NO respect for others NO common sense and NO damn brains .Ok that being said the fishing was slow but it was fun as soon as it was dark "and the boats were gone " cats didnt start hitting till 10:30 or so let me know if anyone has any hints on the catfishing there thankz ..........big boy

keep ya linez tight !


7/15/2010 6:20:00 PM
Good for you for speaking up. I,ve never seen so many inconsiderate A-holes in my life like the ones at Liberty. They think their you no what don't stink and don't care who's in "their" way. That's the reason I don't fish there anymore. One of these something is going to happen and they will shut that launch down.
7/15/2010 7:11:00 PM
i've had the same problem at other lakes and when i confronted them they'd want to fight or tell me about how they're american to and they have rights so i just put on a 1/2 oz bullet weight and started casting at their head that always seems to work :) good job on the cats i've only got them by accident trolling or casting in pads.
7/15/2010 8:17:00 PM
This is a great thread.
I'm a boater and have witnessed the same things described, both good and bad by the boaters as well as non-boaters. I've seen people fishing next to my trailer on the ramp while I was landing. I've also witnessed guys in boats fishing the same area right in front of the people on the designated dock fishing area. It's too bad such a nice lake has such an issue with the launch.
But I've also had some really nice people on shore provide a spot light so I could trailer my boat safely late in the evening as well as help grab a bow line so I could get my truck. Thanks to those that work together to make fishing this area enjoyable.
7/15/2010 10:17:00 PM
I think we can all thank whoever set up the horrible "improved" launch at Liberty, complete with the fishing pier 10 feet from it. If that isn't a recipe for disaster....also if you didn't know, Liberty is the official "Hey, I think I'll go launch a boat for the first time ever!" boat launch.
7/16/2010 6:50:00 PM
Way to many boats on such a small lake. I fished it one time from my boat never will go there again. Lot better fishing lake's on the Idaho side. Just my two cents.
7/18/2010 12:33:00 AM
I also love Liberty, great fishing for all species. But rude ass people have kept me from returning by boat since last spring. What a shame. Have met a lotta nice folks at the fishing deck though.
7/21/2010 12:39:00 PM
@ blindog4
Yea I figured something needed to be said it was a perfect display of pure uncut disrespect if I had decided to be a asshole I very well could have bounced a good 1/2oz of weight off of one of there heads. But I am not a inconsiderate asshole I mean really you see people and not just a couple people fishing but a whole line up of them wouldn't you think lets get out of there way. I will not let this little display of arrogance detour me from fishing liberty lake but I do think that words will be exchanged if this happens again. I'm also for certain that these boaters that decide to go right over our lines wouldn't care for about 50 yards of line wrapped in a prop.
If it happens I'll just open my bail and let the line fly i always have move line in my truck ......... lol
keep ya linez tight
big boy
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709