7/15/2010 6:20:00 PM
7/15/2010 7:11:00 PM
7/15/2010 8:17:00 PMI'm a boater and have witnessed the same things described, both good and bad by the boaters as well as non-boaters. I've seen people fishing next to my trailer on the ramp while I was landing. I've also witnessed guys in boats fishing the same area right in front of the people on the designated dock fishing area. It's too bad such a nice lake has such an issue with the launch.
But I've also had some really nice people on shore provide a spot light so I could trailer my boat safely late in the evening as well as help grab a bow line so I could get my truck. Thanks to those that work together to make fishing this area enjoyable.

7/15/2010 10:17:00 PM
7/16/2010 6:50:00 PM
7/18/2010 12:33:00 AM
7/21/2010 12:39:00 PMYea I figured something needed to be said it was a perfect display of pure uncut disrespect if I had decided to be a asshole I very well could have bounced a good 1/2oz of weight off of one of there heads. But I am not a inconsiderate asshole I mean really you see people and not just a couple people fishing but a whole line up of them wouldn't you think lets get out of there way. I will not let this little display of arrogance detour me from fishing liberty lake but I do think that words will be exchanged if this happens again. I'm also for certain that these boaters that decide to go right over our lines wouldn't care for about 50 yards of line wrapped in a prop.
If it happens I'll just open my bail and let the line fly i always have move line in my truck ......... lol
keep ya linez tight
big boy