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Grimes Lake Report
Douglas County, WA


Cutthroat Trout

Grimes is a beautiful lake surrounded by high cliffs of columnar basalt. It was my second time there. We picked our way through the potholes and bumps on the access road and hit the water just before sunrise. The lake was calm compared to the wind and whitecaps last year. The gooey green algae wasn’t too bad at the boat launch or the shallow channel out to the deep water.

We caught and released several Lahanton Cuts in the 3 pound range while trying to hook up with that “big one”. But I ended up keeping one of those gorgeous 3+ pounders. My fishing buddies tell me in years past, 8lb+ fish weren’t uncommon. Oh well, I’m not complaining :)


6/4/2010 2:33:00 PM
I'm possibly heading there Monday....my first time there ever. Were you able to access it from the Jameson Lake side, or did you have to come in from the Mansfield side? Thanks.
6/4/2010 2:58:00 PM
We came through Mansfield and stayed at Jameson.
The Quadfather
6/4/2010 5:42:00 PM
Glad to hear that you got into some Lahontin cutts. I have fished Omak lake a few times, those are cool fish, and have some size to them for sure. They also smoke up nicely.
6/4/2010 8:46:00 PM
A number of years ago I fished Grimes and had excellent success with flies that had white on them...went back to the pick up truck and tied up a white wooley bugger of all things, and they hit that with gusto.
6/4/2010 11:49:00 PM
I have fished this lake a lot in my younger age. My dad and grandpa fished there since my dad was young so it has passed down the family. we always did well with purple woolly buggers with crystal flash. and anything orange. all of the fish that we caught were no smaller than 20" and up to 29" is the biggest we ever got. If we got one under that it was a dink. Hope this helps! And if you can make the trip up to the far end of the lake where the creek comes in! Well worth it... fish to the east of the creek mouth.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709