5/11/2010 8:55:00 PMAt least for this state, and you do it west side.
Thanx for the pics and info even if it is outside my limited fishing range (Fed Way area, family keeps me close to home unless it is a vacation or something)....
I can vicariously extend out the fishing range with reports like yours :-)!!!

5/11/2010 9:48:00 PM
5/11/2010 10:52:00 PM
5/12/2010 2:15:00 AM
bob johansen
5/12/2010 8:21:00 AM
bob johansen
5/12/2010 8:23:00 AM
5/12/2010 3:37:00 PMKidding of course.
Has been tricky though trying to get the camera out of the ziploc bag and operating while trying to play a fish with one hand and unable to reel at all.
Makes for some... Uh... Less than perfect shots.
Most get deleted even when I get as far as getting the camera out with one hand while playing a fish in a float tube.
Continued good luck to you and Thanx for the obvious continual C&R of the bigs.
Sometimes I think perch get stunted in some of the small lakes around here when people take those big bass out of the small lake ecosystems.
Perch are better eating than bass anyways and those big bass tend to balance out a lake well enough to allow for fewer but bigger perch (the kind I like to eat).
Never could figure out why people will throw back a 5 inch perch in a lake swarming with them, but will gut a 4 pound bass in the same place.... Especially in a little lake that probably only has a handful of big bass.