Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Was able to fish Martha Lake from 2;30-4:30pm right after the snow fall yesterday, which happen'd to be great timeing as there was a fly hatch going and the trout were going crazy in a particular are that i was able to wade out with-in 30-40ft from them. for the next 11/2hr i fought and caught 15 very healthy, fat, fiesty, acrobatically,jumping bulldogs that were 12-15" loseing many others untill the wind pick'd up and they stopped so i switch'd to a panthermartin spinner and caught 4 more walking around the lake. the lake is very clear and is low right now so you can see the deep holes start were the trout are cruz'n eat'n the smorgashboard of food in this lake. as there seems to no other types eating the food.sorry have pictures but i can not get them on for the report?????
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service