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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA


Rainbow Trout

Beautiful day on the lake with warm sun and still water made me give another shot today. 3rd time this year with no fish. I have a HD fishfinder and marked a lot a fish at different depths. lowered downriggers to follow the fish but no success. Last year it was when I started for cutts (month of May) on lake washington, and I have to say every day I was fishing I had at least one fish. Thanks to the reports on WL, I did learn a few tips. Not a good start this year. Maybe to early start? Should have waited until May?

One boat, guy had two fish, one other boat one at 12" . Most of the boats had no fish. water temp 48, glass water, fish the cedar area and SW of the island .( I market big fish down to 100-110' on the bottom by the islan dwhat fish are those? salmon? squah fish?)


2/23/2010 10:02:00 AM
I've often wondered what those large fish are near the bottom. Especially near the HWY 90 bridge, huge fish near bottom in 150 or more ft of water. Lake Washington can be a fickle place to fish....0 fish days and other times more than you might want. Thanks for the report.
2/23/2010 11:30:00 AM
Would carp go so deep in the winter to hang on the bottom like that?
2/23/2010 5:44:00 PM
try a drop shot rig right on the bottom..
2/27/2010 4:29:00 PM
yeah that's what I do in the salt when trolling isn't producing, switch to drop shot and bring in rockfish or sole or something. Try it on lake wa and see what you get.
2/28/2010 5:59:00 AM
I've fished the Lake for years ... and usually take off a month or more in the middle of the winter, and wait till April of so to get back after the trout. By then the temperature is starting to define the water layers, and the Stickle Back are starting to school up more .. and the Lake just seems to be coming out of it's winter slumber ..

I have never figured out what those "Big Fish" are on the bottom. Are they really fish, or just a funky reading? I've dropped everything in the tackle box straight down many times just to see what happens, and I've never had a bite. I'm talking meat, lures, Buss bombs, jigs, everything ..
2/28/2010 8:19:00 AM
Dropping a video camera (with light) would tell us more about those bottom creatures! If someone know the secret let us know!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709