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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Marshall Lake Report
Pend Oreille County, WA



Bottom Fishing From Shore
Cutthroat Trout
Hook & Bait

A beautiful fall day to head out of the house to Pend Oreille county for some plunkin' at Marshall.The dog Ben and I Arrived around noon and the weather was breezy and sunny. Decided to use a sprague lake favorite of marshmallow and worm on the bottom(slip sinker works best). After about twenty minutes of waiting my pole bent over towards the beach and i grabbed it and set the hook. At first it felt like a monster because the cuts fight pretty hard. When I finally played it to shore the colors on it were brilliant red on the sides. A nice fat 16" cutthroat. After missing two more strikes in the next 45 min I hooked another fighter around 14" that was also strong and fun to reel in. It's funny that I always catch a few there from shore but the boaters I see come in with none or two at the most. If you want to have a good experience at Marshall I reccomend early spring and fall fishing with worm and marshmallow or power nugget to float it off the bottom. Good luck!


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709