The Quadfather
10/11/2009 9:43:00 PM
10/12/2009 8:51:00 AM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Place Fished: Lake Washington
Accommodations and Contact Information: Gene Coulon Launch ($8)
Date(s): 10/10/09
Mileage: 1 hour to launch
Weather Conditions: Overcast
Wind: Calm
Ambient Temp: upper 50’s
Water Temp.: 61.8
Moon Phase: 85% Waxing
The Quadfather and I met up at the launch, then ran up to 520 to meet G-Man. Fished pretty hard for 5 hours learning everything we can along the way. Had a great time and met another good fishing partner, it was a pleasure fishing w/ Quad (nice guy) and good to finally meet the elusive G-Man! Thanks for sharing information and hope to see you again G (nice boat by the way)!
Location Fished:
N. side of 520 Bridge: marked fish between 20-60 feet down in 200’ of water but no take downs. About 6 boats out at the east end of the bridge and 1 boat reporting 1 fish. Coho open to keep until the end of Oct north of the bridge.
Wolf Bay (NW of the 520 Bridge): Trolled in 60-90 feet of water w/ D/R set about 45’ down. Picked up a 12” Coho (released) on the red hootchie.
(Other recommendations: Both bridges (rough side), Mercer Island (SW and NW side), other shelf’s and coves)
Lure Type:
-Clear pink; white or red hootchies w/ 3/0 dodgers
-Clown and Fire Tiger Needlefish w 3/0 dodger
(Other recommendations: Orange Flatfish (Kokes); Apexes w/ dodgers)
Bait Used: Tip lures (not spoons) with perch meat, worm or shrimp
Method: Troll using downriggers
Depth: Trolling 30-50 feet down depending on depth of thermo cline
1.25 to 2.25 mph best
Catch Record: 12” Coho
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service