Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
My Dad came out to visit from Florida and wanted to go fishing. I think all my fish storys finally got to him since he has not wet a line in 40 years. Tonasket was in the 100s so I took him up to Chopaka where it would be cooler. Arrived at the lake at 5:oo a.m. Everyone at the camp was still asleep. I put my dad in the pontoon boat with some quick instruction about fly fishing and I fished from the belly boat. We used full sinking line and black wooley buggers and fished slow and deep. We were just above the weeds in 25 ft. of water. The action was fast and furious all morning long. My tally by 11:00 a.m. was 25 fish. My dad didn't fare quite as well. Because of his enthusiastic hook set he broke off his fare share on the hookup and lost a quite a few because of the barbless hooks and inexperience. He did catch some fish and fought some that he didn't get to the net. But never the less it was a great day fishing and father and son bonding. The fish were 14 in. to 23 in. Just beautiful hard fighting fish.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service