7/28/2009 12:17:00 AMMy question is: where did you find a 20' spot with perch and rock bass where the idiots weren't tearing up the water? I had to chase several idiots out of the south end for kicking up huge wakes (sure wish someone in Authority would start ticketing those scoff laws). Were you south of the Army Marina? I've yet to hook into a rock bass and yet I've read several reports about good-sized rockies being caught (I know that when they start biting it's usually pretty difficult to keep them off your hook).
Thanks for any directions or advice you can offer, Jeretired (my boat's in the Army marina if you ever want to head out and try catching some fish once the weather cools down). I've got a news 5HP 4-stroke Nissan I'm dying to break-in so I can troll for some Kokanee, just have to "find the time"......

7/28/2009 10:31:00 AMhope this helps. . .

7/28/2009 12:22:00 PM