7/17/2009 9:25:00 AMTEAL LAKE (Jefferson Co.) ALL SPECIES - selective gear rules.
TROUT Year-round No min. size. Daily limit 1.
Other Game Fish Year-round Statewide min. size/daily
Selective Gear Rules
Only unscented artificial flies or lures with one single-point, barbless hook are allowed. Up to a total of three artificial flies or lures, each containing one single-point, barbless hook may be used. Bait is prohibited; fish may be released until the daily limit is retained. Only knotless nets may be used to land fish. No one may fish from any floating device equipped with an internal combustion motor,
except where specifically allowed under Special Rules for individual waters. If any fish has swallowed the hook or is hooked in the
gill, eye, or tongue, it should be kept if legal to do so.

7/18/2009 2:31:00 AM
Trout Master
7/19/2009 2:01:00 PMJuly 18, 2009 02:31 AM
It sucks that they turned this into a fly-fishing lake, it's a good lake for trout
Why does it suck???????????? 99% of the lakes in washington are put and take bait lakes. So adding another selective lake is great for the SPORT of trout fishing.

7/20/2009 12:06:00 AM
7/20/2009 1:39:00 PM