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Coffeepot Lake Report
Lincoln County, WA



Largemouth Bass

Caught between 25 and 30 largemouths. 2 were about 3 and 2 lbs. Used plastic worms of variety of colors. Tried trolling for trout with my sinking fly line and a black woollybugger, a few bites, but no fish. The water is getting dirty with algae. All fish were caught near shore in open areas of weed beds. Getting to the lower lake will be a problem for large boats in a few weeks.


6/23/2009 8:31:00 PM
Warning, I'll bet that your plastic worms were scented (salt, garlic, gulp, whatever), and you were therefore breaking the "law". This a selective gear rules lake, even for bass, and this can be a real problem. There was a report not too long ago on coffepot where someone mentioned that the F&W was going to ticket him for using plastic worms for this reason.

I have some home made plastic worms that I made several years ago, without scent or flavor, but how do I prove it to over eager officers? Check the rules out again, and think about what you will use next time you go out.

Oh ya, just so you don't get the wrong idea, good report. Interesting to see that the algae is starting up.
6/23/2009 10:59:00 PM
I was with Prohawk, the post from before. I believe using rubber worms, scented or non-scented is not breaking the law. I live local, and have been fishing this lake many years. Very rarely do I see someone from fish and game. I believe you should not use live bait, marshmallows, power bait, etc. Rubber worms...give my a break. I know so many locals who don't follow the guidelines to this lake, for one, there is more than one way to get to this lake than the public launch. Before I listen to you, I would rather have someone from Fish and Wildlife tell me the true facts.
6/23/2009 11:17:00 PM
Ok.....so I have to agree with ya Anglinarcher. Reading the Sport Fishing rules, Bait is anything that attracts fish by scent and/or flavor including blah blah.....rubber or plastic worms. So, 1 out of the 4 rubber worms I was using had a little salt in it. Oops!!!! When I fish for trout, I always use flies....and barbless hooks. And just to note, fish are always released!!!!!! But like a said before, local people are always breaking the rules. It is too bad this lake was turned into a selective gear lake. Many of our lakes around Odessa are drying up.
6/24/2009 10:09:00 AM
Where is the edit button.

People break the rules everywhere, does not make it right. ( not saying you did it intentional. )
I remember Sparague, People pulling buckets of undersized and over limit crappie, Banks same thing.
Fish and game checked me once at Fan lake, he asked how I was doing, I said one shy of my limit. But the guy you just checked is doing well. he is on his 3rd bucket of 5 trout. ( he quickly walked back and wanted to see in the guys pick up. ) :-)
I wish we had more patrol officers.
6/25/2009 12:49:00 AM
I was afraid that my comments would offend someone. Personally I think that selective gear regulations regarding Bass are, well, a bit overdone. Still, my desire to pay a fine is not to high either. I know of an officer that works for the state that takes a cotton ball to check the barb on a barbless hook to see if it is "bent" down. Now I believe that it would not stand up in court, but do we want to go to court to find out? I also know that a lot of locals, and some not so locals, use bait for the trout and perch in Coffee Pot, but that does not make it right in the eyes of the law. The post I commented on regarding the rubber/plastic worms was from a person that had that happen at Coffee Pot, so they do visit there. To make a short story long, I started off with "Warning". As usual, you can take my warnings, or ignore them, but if you do get ticketed, know that the state does monitor this site and ignorance will not be an excuse in court. Ooooops!
Jake Dogfish
6/26/2009 12:13:00 PM
I think some are over complicating things. If a warden gave someone a ticket for using unscented plastics, he would be wrong. If they were powerworms or something scented that would be a violation. Any other type bait or scent is breaking the law. If you don't like the rules on this lake you can try and change the regulations by submitting a proposal to the state.
I noticed twin lakes (upstream) was just starting to bloom as well.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709