Joe Stegner
6/7/2009 8:18:00 PM
6/8/2009 9:01:00 PM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
I spent the past 4 days camping at Banks Lake enjoying the hot sunny weather. I'm not a big bass/walleye fisherman, so wasn't really expecting to do so well. Temps were in the 80's-90's, with little wind and dead calm most of the time to ripping 50 mph winds that came up in 2 mins. I've sure experienced some strange weather on this lake. Not a lake to be out in a small boat too far from shore.
I had my kayak, so had to watch the weather. First morning out I headed out to the far west edge of Barker Flats hoping to catch some smallmouth. Picked up 6-10 in a short time along the rocks fishing a home made spinner. Mostly small 8-14 inch fiesty fish that I c&r. Looking for something larger I cast into deeper water and felt a heavy tug. There wasn't much of a fight, so was surprised to see about a 20 inch walleye. I wasn't planning on keeping any fish, so let that one go. Next cast another heavy tug. The twin of the last fish. I caught a 14-22 inch walleye on just about every cast for a good hour. The wind started to come up, so I had to high tail it back to camp. Only a few boats out fishing. Maybe the weather was too hot?
Every time I went out over the next few days I caught dozens of sm and many more walleye. I lost a bass of 4-5 lbs right at the boat, so that sucked. Packing up to leave yesterday my dog was bitten by a rattler, so he's at the vet getting emergency care. Fantastic fishing, but the ticks and rattler put a damper on the trip big time.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service