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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Mission Lake Report
Kitsap County, WA


Rainbow Trout
Power Bait

Great day fishin. Got to the lake around 2:30pm and started off trolling. Lot of surfaces at the north west end of the lake. Caught a few fish with some spinners. Had more hits than hook ups. Trolling wasn't producing much so I decided to still fish and try some casting. No dice. Lots of jumpers feeding on the surface but couldn't find any lure they wanted. Decided to switch over to some bottom fishing to see if that would work. After going from marshmallows to eggs to powerbait with no luck; My buddy put some Flourescent Green powerbait on. He had a fish hooked up before he could get his pole set. So I through on some Green powerbait and WHAM! Same thing; fish had the bait before my line hit the bottom. After about an hour and 12 shakers or so between the three of us I decided to move us out to deeper water to see if we could hook up with some bigger rainbow. My buddy jokeingly told me to try trolling some powerbait to see if it would work. So I did! I got the motor set on a 3 speed and cast some bait behind the boat. I no sooner did i set the rod in the rod holder did I have one hooked up. As i cut the motor off my buddy hooked into one. TROLLING POWERBAIT????? Im almost embarrased to say I did it. Released the fish and started moving again. Threw some more bait off the back and again a fish. This time we had us a triple on. Both of my buddies and I reeled in some more shakers. After this I told them no more. keep the poles in the boat. we started moving out to the middle of the lake ten minutes ago and had only moved about thirty feet from where we were parked . Got out to the middle and tried some bait in the deeps with no luck. moved to the south end of the lake in about 20 foot of water. Again fish after fish over and over again. All fish were 8-11 inchers. Woulda liked to get a lunker in the boat but great day overall. About 30 fish overall landed today. All fish except 4 were released unharmed. the 4 we kept didn't make it through the hook set. too deep. Would recommend to all who baitfish this lake that you use barbless hooks. Barbed hooks will tear up these aggressive little shakers. They like to take every bit of the hook. Good luck and Tight lines


5/27/2009 4:39:00 PM
How long was your leader and how much weight did you use?
5/27/2009 6:18:00 PM
Must keep those little shakers if you use bait even if you use barbless hooks. FYI
5/28/2009 10:20:00 PM
Those little ones don't have to be kept just counted towards your daily limit.. Didn't copy the whole part but you get the point..
In lakes, ponds, and reservoirs: No min. size. Daily limit 5. When fishing with bait, all TROUT
(except STEELHEAD) equal to or greater than the minimum size are counted as part of the daily limit
whether kept or released.
5/29/2009 11:54:00 AM
Oops! I know this rule and have always followed it. I usually don't use bait unless I am taking out the five year old to do some fishing. So I don't much think about it. I guess we were just having such a good time it didn't cross my mind. It still doesn't excuse the fact that we did what we did but its too late now. Thank you guys for reminding me. I am a stickler for the rules and don't make it habit to ignore them. I apologize to everyone.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709