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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Harts Lake Report
Pierce County, WA


Rainbow Trout
Surface Lure

I went out to harts lake around 4:30 pm.There were a few boats out ,some trollers some baitfishermen.I started out trolling the south end east to west .I started with a green woolybugger and gots hits almost right away.I trolled along catching some nice rainbows and started catching crappie on my woolybugger.So now im catching a mix of trout and crappie.I decided to stop and bobber fish with a jig and they were cooperative and bit,both rainbows and crappie .Was a very good time.All the crappie were the size in the pic .As it got darker the crappie were riseing on the surface .There were no catfish caught but heard of a ten pound cat the night before,there were people fishing the launch area for cats when i came out .The lake is posted closed after darkness but people are fishing it anyway.
It was a good trip!!


5/10/2009 9:30:00 AM
Great report...and I had to work! The biggest trouts I ever hooked in a lake was at that south end trolling a fly east to west. Of course it was before my kids were born and it was before triploids.
5/11/2009 12:44:00 PM
Hey FishinRob! any size to those crappie? your photo didn't come thru?? I grew up fishing here, and as youths, we'd catch some really nice sized ones left of the launch by the farm in the lilly's..
5/11/2009 4:45:00 PM
you got a pic of the fish always heard that harts had crappie just never seen them
5/11/2009 9:37:00 PM
email me at fishingrob487774@aol.com and i will send a pic back.ok size on the crappie ive caught alot bigger but these were good eaten size for sure.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709