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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Rock Lake Report
Whitman County, WA


Top Fishing From Boat
Brown Trout

Launched around 9:00 this morning. Had fifteen or so hook-ups and boated ten. A couple of rainbows and the rest were browns. Size ranged from 10" to 17". Did the usual, throwing trout pattern rapalas toward shore around shallow structure. What little bit of trolling I did was non productive. Water was stained with two feet visibilty. Half dozen boats on the water and three bank fishermen at the launch, who hadn't had any bites. No hawgs, but steady action, great weather with a little breeze, and made it home to watch the Zags win! Can it get any better?


3/20/2009 10:03:00 AM
RAT, sounds as if we might go through a slow down period until the water clears a little. How was the temperature of the water? And to think that the Zags gave us some fear for the first half, they sure gave us a great way to celebrate to end the day.
3/20/2009 3:39:00 PM
River Rat. I was on the water by 9;30 and off in time to watch the game also. This fishing was much harder then that of the past few weeks. I did manage to cach 8 fish but i was on the water for 5 hrs and working hard for them. I was in a little 12' aluminum boat with a nother guy. what a super day though. GO ZAGS!!1
river rat
3/20/2009 4:08:00 PM
Yes, I agree, fishing is tougher then before, with fewer and lighter hits. A lot of follows that would hit if I dead stopped the bait. I took out around 2:30, so I was also on the water for over 5 hours. I was in the yellow and white tri-hull, working the west and east side about a mile or two from the launch. I couldn't find my portable temp gauge so I can't tell you the exact surface temp, but it's probably still in the high 30's, maybe hitting 40. The water clarity or maybe the winter to spring transition has slowed the bite. Last spring was slow for a period of time too. Anglinarcher, I may have a motor for your friend, my dad has an older 6hp evinrude ss with low hours he's looking to sell. I'll get more details on year and price this weekend if he is interested.
3/20/2009 5:08:00 PM
River Rat, PM me with details on the Motor. My friends son talked him into wanting a 9+, and while it think it will be overkill, I do understand. Nevertheless, if it is a long shaft, it would make a good kicker on my boat, so perhaps......................
river rat
3/20/2009 5:46:00 PM
Anglinarcher, I'm pretty sure it's a short shaft. I'll verify and get back to you if I'm wrong and also a price. Did you mount your beast? Perhaps that new state record lurks in Rock. Sullivan Lake holds that record of 22 lbs. caught back in the 70's. I saw that fish on display at the local grocery store. Might have to give your technique a try up there to coax one of those hawgs to bite!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709