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Rufus Woods Lake Report
Douglas County, WA


Bottom Fishing From Shore
Rainbow Trout
Power Bait
Hook & Bait

Well was a dang slow day only one caught and that was right before we left about a 2 pound native rainbow. My buddy did a good job hooking it right in the corner of the mouth for a easy release to get bigger.

We tried our normal chartreuse power eggs and a fluorescent red nugget. That is what caught the one. We also tried bobber and jig but with wind blowing upwards of 25 mph gusts with about 10 or so mph sustained. Made bobber fishing a little tough.The temperature was in upper 20's so even a nice fire made it hard to stay warm HAHA!!

If we ever get warmer weather we might warm the waters a bit and see if the bite will come back.

Have fun and be safe all who are out fishing it up.


Big D
3/10/2009 12:50:00 AM
Hey Malottguy,
Thanks for the report.
Weather person says "Cold this week with warming next week"
I sure hope so.
3/10/2009 6:47:00 AM
Hard core, upper 20's and windy. way to tough it out, i wish it would have paid off for you.
3/10/2009 9:24:00 AM
I sure hope I am wrong, but everyone should think about this just in case I am right. The water in RW is overflow or through the turbines flow from Roosevelt. Normally, Roosevelt is quite low this time of year, creating lots of storage room for run-off. This year, either they don't expect the normal run-off, or they are planning on a big dump before June when the major flows hit Roosevelt.

In either case, Roosevelt and RW are not being treated like they normally are. The flows through the dam are lower then normal, the water temperatures are lower because of the lower flows, and soon, when Roosevelt has topped of, even if they start dumping water into Banks through the canal, expect that soon RW may have the highest flows for quite some years.

I fear that RW may not fish like it has in the past. Keep this in mind when planing a trip. You may need to do something different then you normally would.
3/10/2009 10:38:00 AM
Thanks Big D and yes I hope it warms. smashmouth anytime I get a chance to fish I DO lol I love being out doing it.

Anglinarcher yes flows are less as I was told they are going to hold more water in Roosevelt. But the "high" water behind it is not has high as it was when I was a kid. They I believe are trying to save more water for irrigation. That being said if they are going to hold more water then the flow will be less and thus act more like a normal lake and have to use the sun to warm it so will take longer to warm. It will warm eventually and yes if they hold water then someone might want to put off visiting the lake until summer for the warm temps.

My opinion though is they will hold more water back then open flows once we get and extended warming period. Just remember where the water comes from (Canada) it is still cold in later spring and runoff is typically slower. Recent years we have had fast melts so they had to accelerate the the flows too so what people are used to is not the normal for here.

Just my two cents and I am no scientist lol. but Anglinarcher you do make a good point. Don't you love good discussions :-D
3/10/2009 4:25:00 PM
Malottguy, I sure do love good discussions, and I suspect that your analysis is probably closer then mine is. I just know that if they don't kick up the flows soon, my spring walleye may not show up at the inlet area this year - and that sucks. Ouch - LOL
3/10/2009 5:03:00 PM
Walleye are real picky and hope they do something and hope you can catch alot. I would love to go for some eyes. Maybe this summer lol.
Big D
3/11/2009 4:00:00 AM
Hey RW fisherfolks,
I don't know how or when the PUD's start saving water for the summer.
I read this article in the Wenatchee World this evening and thought it might reflect what's going on with the river flows:

Snow runoff may be near all-time low
By Christine Pratt
World staff writer
Posted March 10, 2009
CHELAN — Mountain runoff for the Lake Chelan Basin is forecast at 67 percent of average from April through July — the sixth lowest in 58 years, the Chelan County PUD says.
The forecast comes following snowpack readings taken March 1, a news release said.
Low runoff means less water flowing through the utility’s dams on Lake Chelan and the Columbia River and reduced electricity generation and revenue.
Snowpack throughout the Northwest is below average. Three North Central Washington basins are reporting snowpack of 62 percent to 68 percent, the news release said. Predicted runoff from April to September is 73 percent of average for the Wenatchee River and 59 percent for the Okanogan River. Both feed the Columbia River, upstream of the utility’s dams. The winter’s final snow report is due April 10. PUD officials will use the projections in that report to help determine if they need to impose a temporary rate hike on customers to recover revenue lost to drought.
blufin loui
3/11/2009 10:04:00 AM
Thanks for the update MallotGuy
I have been thinking of heading up that way and trying my luck from the bank, but think I'll wait a while longer after reading your report.
There will be some fast action once the water starts to warm up, so we be wishing for warmer temps.
3/11/2009 10:41:00 AM
Blufin Yeah I would wait for a spell until it warms even from a boat but it will warm soon I love the forcast thats coming :).

Big D some of that does effect the flows above Cheif Joesph dam. There is only 1 semi major river running into Rufus and thats the Nespelem river which isnt much of a river. But above Grand Coulee is another story as the SanPoil Spokane and a couple others run into it. The Head Waters for the SanPoil there was not a ton of snow but alot anyhow. But alot of areas east of Chelan and Okanogan Valleys got more snow I heard good things from the North Okanogan( headwaters in Canada) that there was lots of snow but we will see how much they let out throughout the summer. Lets just hope with slow warm up the mountains will get more snow we need it.
Fishin Musician
3/11/2009 1:05:00 PM
All this talk of water flow, and nobody mentioned releasing bait caught trout. Has the regulation been changed at Rufus? I will gladly stand corrected....
3/11/2009 2:19:00 PM
Fishin Musician no same regs on bait caught fish first two caught is your limit. Bad thing is there still are some that do not follow it. I myslef will turn in anyone who doesn't follow the rules. Being a bait fisherman for the most part when I get two I am done. If I am with friends who haven't got there limit of trout like I have and I am bored I will put on little lures like a swedish pimple or something and fish for the few kokes in the lake. Like I was saying my friend caught one hooked in the corner of the mouth no bleeding or anything not bait lodge down its throat so we realeased it. Was out of the water all of maybe a 30 seconds :). but if the bait had been swallowed I would have kept it and filleted it for the smoker. Just wish all would follow the rules and would make it nicer to fish.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709