blufin loui
2/23/2009 5:14:00 PMIF I recall right, I most likely kept my first fish thru the ICE. Great smile on the lucky fisher...woman's face.
Hope you two get out there again soon.
Be safe and enjoy

2/23/2009 7:12:00 PMI would say 4-5lbs
still a very nice fish

2/23/2009 10:13:00 PMtight lines

2/25/2009 9:52:00 AM
2/25/2009 7:02:00 PM
3/3/2009 4:12:00 PM
3/3/2009 7:35:00 PM
blufin loui
3/9/2009 3:41:00 PMJust want to say, DON"T let narrow minded negative comments put ya off from the great sport of fishing AND being Able to eat your catch if it is legal and you choose to do so. Every one perceives the world differently, and by their perception, can say some hurtful things to others how have a different perception. I thinks it's great you get out there fishing (and take friends and family) and so what if you decide to eat what YOU catch once in a while. It's not like you're going to make a Lifetime commitment to catch and consume Large Bass. As time passes and you get further down the road of life, some of your perceptions will change as has those of others. So, stigman87, get out there and enjoy the sport, and continue to introduce others to your fishing adventures.

3/9/2009 5:54:00 PMstigman87