blufin loui
1/19/2009 10:08:00 PMSounds like the trip was a success, and glad to hear you guys survived the trip. Some good fish caught and hope Sam enjoyed it. My pleasure to meet you guys. RW is a great place to check out
Stay safe and if over this way, drop us a line..

1/20/2009 12:04:00 AMFunny you mention losing a fish then Sam catching it. That is the third time I have heard that happening in that hole the other two where my nephew caught a fish I lost which was in spring of '08 and then a month or so ago my daughter lost a nice 4 pounder then finally caught another one then turned around and caught the first fish she lost. Same as you I knew it was my hooks and bait.
I guess it shows the fish don't want to leave when there is food around.
BTW do you ever beach fish for silvers? I used to a lot from Ft Flagler and Ft Worden state parks.

1/20/2009 9:42:00 AM
fishing collector
1/20/2009 3:44:00 PM