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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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American Lake Report
Pierce County, WA


Rainbow Trout
Mack's Wedding Ring

I was all set to go to spanaway lake and when i got there (1:30)you have to be off by 3:00 for the light show .so i contemplated ,so i said what the heck and went to american with my small fiberglass .I went over to the west side and used a weddingband in red but the larger size and used worms .There were fish surfacing everywhere ,so i trolled the shore line where the boils were and started to get bites .I ended up with 5 average trout 8" .I released all of them my intentions were for the big guys but they weren't there but the little stockers were.If you fly fish the cove before little american was alive with fish ,saw a guy sitn in the center throwing flies and doing ok .as i trolled i watched the bottom for fish and only one time did i see more than one fish and it looked like they were with some sort of fry from what i could tell on the graph.Then i couldn't find em again i was ready to drop shot but didn't have a chance .lake was like glass no wind only a few big boats was actually nice .I will bring my aluminum boat next time can be wavey from the big boats at times.any way back to the river hopefully it will be fishable tomorrow.


11/14/2008 8:16:00 PM
I don't know about it for tomorrow. I went and looked at the Puyallup and Carbon. From 115thst south.
11/15/2008 3:13:00 PM
Hey fishinrob,
I see you fish american alot,I really just started going this year
Any pointers on how to get these fish and where are the best areas to fish on american?
The lake is so big,I cant seem to concetrate on one spot,I tend to move around alot.
Anyways trout or bass,I,ve tried wedding rings with worms and for bass i usually throw strike king or tube of some sort,just canty seem to get any
any pointers would be greatly appreciated
11/16/2008 7:37:00 PM
for bass see sparky101 hes the man on bass.I FISH the west side from the new military marina to the entance of little american lake,thats rainbows and i like to use weddingrings too .they can be picky or not but i have 3 different sizes.i tend to use the gulp worms and maggots.i toll on top for rainbows.now kokes you want to start over at the va hospital and troll east and eventualy on the east side of the main island ,start at 25ft and go down till you get bit ,use the weddingbands with small dogders with real maggots.oh if you have a fly rod the channel is wasome for that so keep it in mind .
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709