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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Potholes Lake Report
Grant County, WA



Top Fishing From Boat
Largemouth Bass
Surface Lure

Well the much anticipated trip 2 Mardon/Potholes was just what we needed! We arrived Saturday {BassFanatic, Magnificent1 and myself} about 10 AM and we really didn't fish till Sunday Early AM. Hit the water at 4:30 AM,..BF and I in my Trihull,..Magnificent1, Todd and Chris in his 12' Aluminum. We split up from the "Greenhorns" and headed 2 "Goose Island" for some serious Bassin. Water was 72 degrees, cloudy and shallow,..sun was just starting 2 come up. I started out with top water as did BF,..but he changed his lure in right away and tied on his Crankbait,..perfect choice,..I stayed with my Strike-King-Shad-Rap and kept bangin away at the shoreline. I would toss, the BF would, we continued doing this 2 stir things up a bit and it worked. My lure was much heavier than BF's so it made a lot of noise,..this must have pissed the Bucketmouths off cause BF had a real nice boil,......BAM,..Fish~On,..he knew it was a good size Bass and so did I so I grabbed the net 2 help out,..the Bass took him around 2 the port side where I netted him,..Nice Fish!,..went 4.5 LBS 19.5",..BF's PB for LMB. Now it was my turn. This took about 10 minutes of working the shoreline,..just as we were getting ready 2 hit another spot and weigh anchor,..I toss 1 more time,..slow retrieve,..WHAM,..Fish~On,..another nice 1,..Bass went 4 LBS 19",..not bad. We stayed for a little longer and landed 2 more LMB under 4 LBS then continued to catch only some Bronzie Dinks,..even the little Bronzies put up a heck-of-a fight,..caught about 6 more between us then bailed back 2 the Fam~Bam. We didn't really catch much on Monday due 2 conditions but we had 2 pack up and check out anyways. The trip was a success as we had hoped,..especially since BF landed his PB Bucketmouth! Great job nephew,..we'll be back same time next year 2 hit it again!



8/29/2008 3:18:00 PM
the weather on monday was quite the battle. took a lot of steam out of me and my boy just to make sure nothing blew away! nice report btw and hope to fish with you guys soon!! good luck tomorrow, wish I could go ):
8/29/2008 6:35:00 PM
those are some nice fsh...
8/30/2008 5:04:00 AM
Thanks guys,..I posted this when I got home but it never showed so I PM'd Mike and he said he never got it,..so I reposted,..sorry about that,..either way it was fun,..yea Jens we need to wet a line soon,..LMK.

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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709