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Tapps Lake Report
Pierce County, WA



Smallmouth Bass

Most of you that know me, know why I troll for Smallies. Those of you that don't, here's the reason. I have painful arthritis in my hands and elbows. It makes a problem to cast even the smallest bait for any length of time. I love to fish too much to give in. So I started dragging crank baits with the bowmount with some success, then to the kicker motor much like fishing for walleye, then we found the faster the troll the action was better. I use the 90 Hp Johnson at idle which translates into a 2.5 to 3 mph troll. I found at these speeds I cover water and pick up active fish even on bad boat traffic days. Today we used the same method, using a two inch red fat bodied bait. I ran the edges of about 20 feet we caught several smallies in the 11 inch size and 1 tiger in the 44 inch size all on the same bait.
Try something different. I have gone to the super lines because the diameter is so small it doesn't cause the bait to come to the surface at the fast troll speeds.
This was the first tiger I brought to the boat this year.


big fish lite line
8/18/2008 3:57:00 PM
nice looking fish what lb test were you using
8/18/2008 4:43:00 PM
Nice fish Bill! Glad to see you still got the touch. Not sure if you remember me, but you introduced me a couple of years back to Lake Tapps fishing right before I was heading to Iraq. Well, I'm back now, even got my own boat. I've been out at Tapps twice so far this year with limited success. Good to see your posts. Take care!
8/18/2008 4:55:00 PM
Way to go Bill! Me and Dilbert have been having great days there.
8/18/2008 4:59:00 PM
Nice work out there
8/18/2008 6:02:00 PM
cool pics
8/18/2008 7:07:00 PM
Nice fish Bill! Sorry to hear about the arthritis, glad to see your not giving up!
8/18/2008 7:52:00 PM
Great job, Bill! I had arthritis in my knee real bad before having replacement surgery, so I feel your pain (literally!). Sounds like you've found a good way to keep fishing and have fun at the same time.
Mike Carey
8/18/2008 8:11:00 PM
Nice fish Bill!
8/19/2008 6:27:00 AM
Nice fish there! Next year I'll have to put in some time trying to catch a tiger. (I think I said that last year)
bob johansen
8/19/2008 8:57:00 AM
Good job Bill! Like Aaron, I had a knee replaced a couple years ago and it is doing fine. A side note to that, the Doc told me before the operation that the replacement knees are usually good for only 10-15 years -- But added, "That should be long enough for an old Coot like you." I like that Doctor!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709