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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Williams Lake Report
Spokane County, WA


Rainbow Trout
Mack's Wedding Ring
All Day

What a day to not have the camera....

As usual, we arrived at the lake around 6:00 AM to find only two other fishermen braving the early hour (and the wrath of their bosses for skipping work--- JUST KIDDING!) to enjoy a day of fishing, Williams Lake-style. We did the mandatory set-up and launch routine into fairly calm water, with just a wisp or two to wag the nearby flags. The wind DID pick up as we probed the freshwater deep for signs of fish trickery (oh, they were there, alright--- they were playing hard to get on this day!) Our 'catching' did not keep up with our 'fishing', no matter what I tried. Rapalas, super-dupers, rooster tails--- the Other Guy In The Boat stuck with the wedding ring topped with maggoty goodness and had steady, if not rapid, success. So that is what I adopted for tackle and finished-out the fishing day.

POINTS OF INTEREST: Because it was Friday; because it would normally be a work day; because the fishing was SLOW but still fun.... we had time to do a bit of sight-seeing around Williams Lake.

And I mean sight-seeing the zoological kind.

We spotted a BALD EAGLE scanning the lake across the lake from Bunker's; he was perched on a treetop, looking as majestic as you could imagine. He might have been a scout from The Bigger Lakes To The East and taking a break after all his flying. His white head, golden beak, and dark body looked absolutely wonderful perched up there, with the blue sky as the backdrop (and as usual neither of the BBs of BL had a camera!) We could hear him occasionally screech in amusement (it HAD to be amusement, judging what was going on!) as he watched a couple of ospreys do cannonballs into the lake below him, trying their best to catch fish in the most outrageous way possible--- the biggest splash wins! After several of these splash-dive extravaganzas, one of the osprey noticed the bald eagle watching them, and probably took exception to his pithy comments... so (out of embarrassment, I suppose) he flew to the bald eagle and screeched for HIM to beat it! And being the dignified bird that we know, the Bald Eagle LEFT. Both of the entertained fishermen in our boat noticed that neither osprey caught fish, despite all the splashing and goings-on. So maybe the Bald Eagle was just making constructive criticisms of their techniques...

Williams Lake. Always a great place to fish (during fishing season, of course!) and watch wildlife do what they do, too.

Thanks, WDFW!


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709